Saving Seelena
The green dragon gave a nod before focusing on the work, minutes passed as he furiously sketched every detail of her large plump hips framing her exposed slit.
Strange experiment
The green dragon looked at his colleague and looked concerned about the syringe. "hey, are you sure this isn't..."
Musk Drunk
The green dragon leaned down and effortlessly snapped up the tip of the red drake's tail into his powerful jaws.
The Dragon with the Wish Tattoo [COM]
With that, the green dragon got to work.
Tannim's Ant Dance - 2016
That was enough to make the green dragon sigh and step off.
Yet another planet to visit.
The green dragon immediately went over to them, and started discussing. infernis sat back down, gingerly feeling his ribs where one of devlin's punches had landed.
Emerald Secrets Chapter 2: Emerald Lady
Veledar was about to remind the green dragon about his loss, but lyndis beat him to it with a dagger raised. "well this minion defeated your brother over there.
The Ceremony of Dragons: Chapter Two
- the green dragon heaving his bulk over him with a feral grunt. "such a tight hole...
Emerald Secrets: Chapter 15: Gifts and Goodbyes
The green dragon then turned his attention to the rest of the group and lowered himself into a bow before veledar.
Krahno And The Vampire Horse Morph
Said the captain as he looks at the neck of the green dragon almost tempted to take a drink as well but knows krahno is recovering in the room.
Twisted Night: Chapter 8
They unwound themselves from his scales, giving the green dragon a moment to recover and get to all fours. "so what did i..." lyyreth went to stand, his limbs shaking for a moment before the green dragon's forelimbs collapsed out from under him.
The Swamp Visit - Hatchday gift for Tojo-The-Thief
He smirked, gently nuzzling the green dragon. he wrapped a wing around his side, holding him into a soft cuddle. "today, we're going to have some fun...some lovely dragon-on-dragon action..."