Interwoven Souls - Chapter 10: The Essence of Life (Part 2)

It was all so confusing, and he could feel his mind trying to blame him for it, twisting his roaming ideas into those of self-hate. but with vera and brook around, watching them interact together was relaxing to him.

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Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 13

I've sat here wallowing in my own self-hate, but-" "but he has to constantly live with the knowledge he wiped his wife's family out, along with so many others. he didn't have an intervention." alice shook her head and closed her eyes.

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The Re-Tooled Mechanic

But deep inside you've always been a self-hating homo, deep in denial. it finally got to be too much for you, and like an addict who needs his fix, you came onto me. but you're too deep in denial to make it easy on yourself, aren't ya.

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Fox McCloud and the Big Bad Star Wolf

The self-hating pessimist in him considered the whole problem to be irrelevant._you're gonna get raped, you pampered weakling. you were fucked from the moment they put the bag over your head.

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I Was a College Professor Reincarnated as a Wolf King?! Chapter 4

You can't accept my love because you're too busy wallowing in self hate." trevor opened his mouth to say something back, bitter and heated, but anything that he wanted to say, simply wouldn't come out. he was still furious with her.

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A day in the life

It was a real shame too, considering how much the self-hating bitch loved human cock. "we would have made a mint." angela shrugged. "that's more for me then."

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A Whole New World

Shame and self-hate, disgust all mixed inside my stomach as the pleasure from a moment ago burned inside me. i curled back into a ball, tears burning down my face. my rapist had left to only to remove the loincloth.

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Family Bear 2: Daddy Dominated

He had meant what he had said about loving him regardless of his orientation, what kind of self-hating fool would he be if he didn't? but since that night with deslin, dakota had started to notice his son's actions.

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Maybe if he was lucky there would be another easy, self-hating mark outside that he could wander off with.

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Prologue: You Are All Beneath Me

Sebas said with shame in his voice as he went along with kai's words, developing a self hate he now had for himself. kai then began to test the waters to make sebas slowly become "loyalty" towards him by kissing his mentor.

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Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act I, Part 6

Of his nemesis for so long, and who had for so many years caused so much trouble... even this morning, had almost gotten the crap beaten out of all of them or military chasing them through the town... and he felt a sudden surge of self-hate as he wondered

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