Refuge In Refraction: Chapter One

This peach is said to cure any ailment of anyone who consumes it." "many of us have read faerie tales at one point in our lives." the queen snapped, "you are wasting our time that we could be using to consult with our physicians...

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Dragon Delight

As the weeks passed, life resumed, most communicable diseases seamed to vanish, patients on their deathbeds with aids, leukemia and various other ailments suddenly started to improve at unprecedented rates!

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Malaise: cleanup at the Leibashen household

Though there isn't anyone else affected in the house, your sister had come into contact with the same ailment that afflicted mrs. leibashen" lucy's tail and shoulder drooped in sadness while her breathing increased.


The Tail of Sir Ru

This ailment was completely incurable; no healer on the isle able to think of anything that may repair the cub's broken eyes.

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 6

"this is where my worshippers gave me victims of their sacrifice, so they could be eased from ailment and pain."

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A stay at the Robot Sanitarium

I don't know why, i must have been hysterical or something and probably overreacted to some kind of stomach ailment.

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The Traveler

Noses deep in books they began to scour every text they had on magical ailments, curses, poisons, whatever they could. but it was a slow process and in the meantime, the effects only made themselves worse and more pronounced.

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Electric Touch: Chapter 25 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

He didn't want to disturb the moment, as he also thought that probably there wasn't better ailment to his sequels than the warmth and care that raichu was giving him, so he remained in a calm state.

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[Commission] Adventuring sucks; or dungeon crawling at its' finest

An artifact said to be able to cure all ailments. louhi had his doubts if the wand was able to do that, but never the less, he claimed that at the very least luke would gather a fair bit of glory from conquering the dungeon.

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Monkey Future Prologue : Downfall of Mankind

And thus, the horrible, earth-shattering nature of my genital ailment unfurled before me, mother primus, the wall-uteruses, anointed, and my robed friend watching vigilantly in the distance.

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Original Race: Daesidynes

The only time an daesidyne can get sick if has been neglecting to get his daily source of nutritional iron, even at that, the chance of ailment is slim if xe recovers in time and the fact that one can feed off of another healthy daesidyne's blood although

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The Harem Girl

Lately she had barely slept thanks to a bevy of worrisome ailments: bouts of nausea, fatigue, and tenderness throughout her body.

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