Respecting The Alpha
"i was saving this, alpha." the smaller wolf said. "you should have it.. because you're the alpha.." he gave me a shaky smile as he said that. i could help but smile at him. i reached out and took the offered meat.
Breaking the Alpha
Chad was the local douchebag doberman, the ultra-alpha male type that always scored the hottest women at the gym. the stereotypical jock who ever wore the popped collar and sunglasses indoors, guys hated him and woman drooled over him.
The Alpha in the Woods
I was no longer scared of what was happening, i just wanted to submit to this powerful alpha, wanting him to breed me and make me his bitch. it felt absolutely incredible having my virginity taken by this alpha dire wolf.
The Alpha in the Woods
I was no longer scared of what was happening, i just wanted to submit to this powerful alpha, wanting him to breed me and make me his bitch. it felt absolutely incredible having my virginity taken by this alpha dire wolf.
TFL: Alpha
The alpha is chosen by the great mother herself!» she exclaimed. «oh, please; don't tell me you believe in that fable for half-witted hatchlings. the alpha is just a griffin strong enough to take the lead.
Alpha to Omega
I want you to be my alpha." "good pup," cain purred. sven huffed. "fuck me, cain." "alpha." "alpha..." sven said and shuddered. he said it again as if to savor the taste. "alpha... alpha..." "that's right, pup, you know your place," cain said.
November Alpha
It trickled down past thor and over lazar, but he just beamed, happy to be claimed again by his alpha. by everyone's alpha.
The New Alpha
I have already told you to not play alpha." a much older grey wolf had approached them. "apologies, alpha nava," kryto said, bowing his head in a sign of respect. the other wolf, nava, eyed him sternly.
Alpha Schooling
"you are the next set of alphas for the pack. this time is for you to learn how to properly enforce the pack's laws, and how to be ideal alphas. from now until spring, you are alphas in training."
Alpha & Omega
Finally in his hand he carried the sacred staff that declared to everyone who saw him that he was alpha. this was more a formality though, as everyone knew exactly who the alpha was to each generation.
Alphas pet
_ **Chapter 1** _ It was just another typical day for me. It was a Saturday morning, I sat up from bed and gave my back a good stretch. I sat in my bed for who knows how long before I smelled what my roommate was making for breakfast. Yuck tuna fish,...
An Alpha's treat
She couldn't get herself to lick made her stomach clench, although before she could react, the alpha jumped up and tackled the female "i warned you bitch! you should've listened when you had the chance."