Freedom Fighters' Last Stand Ch.2 - New Powers and Secrets Unveiled
Continue drilling until i get back." the drone affirmed her orders and headed back to the drill to reposition it. kitty hastily walked into the hovercraft, sneering.
2593, Chapter 12
"this is the most powerful drill i have, but i have to warn you, if the material covering robert is as hard as you implied it is, then if the laser manages to drill through it, it'll probably vaporise some of him too."
Worms From Spaaaaaace!
Now" a horrific noise from the tunnel broke into drex's orders, and the mangled drill came sliding back out of the hole, twisted and crushed! a vibration continued though the drill was silent, and a huge mass began sliding from the hole...
"Welcome Hooah!" Chapt 1- Welcome to Ft Jackson
"yes drill sgt!" the company shouted. we marched back to the barracks in unison. hopefully we could slip a nap in before more processing. i was really tired at this point.
Canimorphs: The Corona
_"well, those mining executives, in their utter brilliance, decided to drill down into the asteroid."_ _"yeah, you told me. then what?"_ _"we had planned for that eventuality. we made sure the drill came nowhere_ near_our research facility.
A Day at Naughty Beach
Come on you dirty beast, come and fuck me. drill my pussy like derrick does."
oh boy.
I turned my sword into a drill and came down. when i reached them, the area where i was littered with demons with holes. i hovered above them then i pressed a button and my drill sword split in half and the gap between the swords widen.
Usagi and sensi
Unbeknowst to usagi, the lion was nearby doing some pratice drills and his ears twitched as he heard some moans coming over from the river. he soon stopped his drills and slowly crept through to check it out.
Dark Skies, Part III: Touching Base
"did they take this rock out of the drilling site?" i asked. "no, they left it where it was according to the report," said caver.
Slice of Lex Ch. 6
Lex was drilling the hole for the light to come through, she had rested the bit against the wood, and was preparing to drive the drill forward. she stabilized the drill and started it forward.
You Were Warned - Part Two - There is a Hell, and it is Osjhulglot
The tips of sh'gloth's back tentacles pressed and drilled, twisting and pulling against the plump nipples on henry's swollen chest.
The few times i looked over at him after finishing a drill, he would just give a curt nod. it was getting late into the evening when we got to doing shooting drills. it was quite simple.