OC: KashKash
She is capable of shapeshifting to a minor degree, namely her appearance and the size of some of her attributes to seem more appeasing to children.
Gammia's second time with Samuel
#1 of rp's this was an rp i did with samuel triago just recently, using my shapeshifter character gammia. gammia was in her gryphon form, which has become her default for when she doesn't have a reason to be in some other form.
OC: Willy Lucianna
He is capable of shapeshifting it into larger sizes, but is unable to do different forms since he hasn't reached maturity yet.
He told her the truth- he was such a fan of watersports, he'd used his shapeshifting powers to give himself a fully functional cock, bladder, balls, and the other body parts it required.
Chekol, the 33rd Shaman Squirrel
This interspecies procreation and shapeshifting ability was made possible by a green orb owned by the shaman squirrel clan, allowing the shapeshifting shaman to become the species of either parent.
Permanent Positions - Chapter 4: Bedtime Chats
I'm also a shapeshifter, and sometimes i like to have a female body." hearing that, kat sat down with a firm thump. "i am more than willing to help you with your transition, in any way you want and i can help."
leiric does it again
" he pounces on chad knocking the controller out of his hand and opens up his maw wide shoving the shapeshifter's head into his mouth.
Curiosity Laid the Cat.
Shouted john as katrina shapeshifted to living tiger form, the orange, white and black particles noticeable, her sweet scent filling the house. "welcome home, john! i've missed you!"
Draykan's Hoard 11
He lifts off his tight shirt and tosses it to the shapeshifter. "this should cover you a bit more than me." "h-h-hey!" galenna shouts, spinning around, puffing out her cheeks. "i thought you said you would punish me, drayky!"
Draykan's Hoard 5
Galenna's free arm shoots forward, grabbing the shapeshifter by the throat, a burning passion in the protector's eyes. "oh, they really sent someone special!"
Prologue - Let's Set The Scene
The omegaverse is set in a universe almost identicle to our own, only in this one the people are capable of shapeshifting into a canine form that resonates with their spirit.
Draykan's Hoard 10
#38 of anteronian adventures galenna has been cooking up a special treat for her drayky--a mind-and-body broken shapeshifter! this is a commissioned piece. if you'd like to get some work done from me, please consider checking out my linktree.