Syngeneia Kathairein part 30
Read this tome. next room these mutations on you should be gone. " "yes, yes. i'll be sure to do that." disarria says as she picks up the tome. you pick up the tome and proceed to the next room.
Origins: 2
Arien worried jumps from his seat, grabs the spell tome he had been studying and runs downstairs. a large cracked hallway of crystal and a stream of blood run down from ahead.
The Cult of the Moth
And there, replacing the tome in the center, stood a figure; one which not only surprised the members before it, but equally... confused them?
Amourous Amalgamation
Phillius looked to the bookshelf where the tome lay. "courtesy of my adventurer friends i was able to acquire a book of this darkest of magics. from this tome i found a concoction called 'necromancers delight'.
Moaning aloud at the idea of combining herself with one of her beloved tomes, karen couldn't get her fingers back into herself fast enough.
Into the Archive
This time, seeking powerful, forgotten tomes amidst the duke's archives.
Dra-Kun... The Power Within
After a moment he looked within, looking down at a tome. unlike other ancient tomes this one was made of dragon scale. he looked to the words on it, written in blood that still remained ever fresh.
El Rey y El Tirano
tome las rosas y lo mire. unas lagrimas corrieron por su rostro. no le respondi en ese momento. le di un apasionado y largo beso. por un momento senti sobre mi la mirada de los demas, pero después me senti solo, junto a james.
The (Demon)Cat House
Caterina had to stifle a small cry of pleasure as she gently took her tome from tobi, the surge of magic at being reunited with her tome was almost orgasmic in nature. "oh, thank you!..."
Dark Angel Ch.9
Kain was busy practicing for his final test, which was in a week, and that gave me plenty of time to study more magic tomes.
shadow 10
She looked around seeing a large tome resting on a pedestal. "nathan i bet there's a spell in that tome that will weaken him." she said pointing to where it rested. "what do you want me to do about it?"
Sprite Master: Chapter 2
His mom helped him get a leather strap on him so his new tome could stay on the left side of his waist. "that tome helped me with casting magic and i hope it helps you learn and grow. its a little magical item to help you store magic to cast spells.