Pull of The Heart [CM]
It was only a few moments later that something began to change in her body.
Unforgetable Moments in Yiff! - Moment 1 - Abercrombie & Bitch...
Unforgetable moments in yiff! - moment 1 - abercrombie & bitch... you know the drill. if you're under 18, get off this page.
Those Moments in the Forest
That slight shade of pink that was present on his face became a dark red and his eyes were close to shutting; it felt as if this moment was familiar to him.
A Long Waited Moment
_Hey everyone,_ _here's something that I wrote today. It's a side story to my series, Roman Life, but I assure you that not having read it doesn't lessen the reading nor spoil anything of the plot. If you haven't read it and you liked this side story,...
A Moment to Breathe (A2B3C11)
moments later the group appeared on the blacktop away from the yacht. an enterprise van sat in the marina parking lot with the rental agent.
These Moments -- Episode One
#1 of these moments series episode 1 of the these moments series. i appreciate any comments with advice.
TwoKinds: Heat of the Moment
Raine had started to feel this way from the moment she had transformed, but it was getting worse and worse after maren and the others left.
It's The Small Moments That Count
A moment passed in silence before he spoke again, putting down his mug. "i...uhh... i guess if you'd like, there'd be a little bit of time if...," his eyes gave the bedroom door a meaningful look, and i chuckled.
Close Moments: Nightmare
But, perhaps not a bite to eat, of that kind," he replies with a toothy grin, winking to her as she giggles for some moments.
Every Waking Moment
I love you with every waking moment." **the end**
Waiting for the Right Moment
Overtaken by the moment, she grabbed his member, and started massaging it. he moaned a little, the tip giving way to something even more impressive. she grabbed onto it, causing it to flair at the tip. he was nearly seven inches then.
Intimate Kodak Moments
Her fur dried away the saliva, but after a few moments more of that soft friction his penis started to get damp again, pre-ejaculate trickling down. "oh god."