Alexia's Collar - Chapter 2
The male who wore it was a ringtail, a very rare species around this area. from his meticulously manicured paws to the extravagant fur, the ringtail exuded an air of regal dignity and exquisite refinement.
VIRUS Phase 1: The Survivors
The ringtail grit his teeth, and closed his eyes. a sudden bump and the bus began rocking up and down as if the road was a constant series of speed bumps.
JY 2 - Talk about a surprise!
He gave the ringtail a slight nod of his head and walked on unhurriedly towards the school.
Thriteen Tales 2020: Tale 9
A ringtail possum to be exact. honestly, all things considered it was not a bad look for him. as for his age, he now looked to be somewhere around five. he was also closer to two feet tall now.
Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 2: The Network
Because they tend to stick out the ringtails are waiting to sneak chaza, rider, and locke in after dark. no one here knows skit and epee and i look like every other fox so we were able to walk in uncontested.
Taking the Law Into His Hands
ringtail...!" "that's right." he kisses her ear. "your ringtail is right here..." her cheek. "and he knows..." her neck... "...just what to do..." carmelita's moans pitch up as, through the fabric of her top, he finds her nipples. it isn't difficult.
Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 5 (Commission)
"but see, that's what i like about you, ringtail. or maybe i should call you ringo? nah," he shook his head, "toys don't get names. they don't need them. just like they don't need to cum.
The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 8
"vince ringtail here means the challenge of making more money than any of the other assistant m.e.s in his unit," nick explained. "what can i say? as much as i love the job, i love the extra money even more."
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 4- Imperfect Certainty
"life is always strange, ringtail. tell me what is going on. after you deal with whatever the supervisors want with you first of course."
Life is Just a Storm. Chapter 33- One Way to Look
"ringtail! how are you today?" the voice of eira shattered lukan's mind back into the plane of reality, causing him to jump lightly.
Tipping Handsomely
I mean, he's kind of a ringtail too. seems like a natural fit to me." she took a huge, sloppy bite of her lasagna then inelegantly wiped the sauce off her chin with her arm. some of it smeared across her lips like whorish lipstick.
Get Used To It
"what's your answer, ringtail? yes or no?" sly swallowed. part of him wondered if he should try to slow this all down. but he had made it this far on snap decisions, hadn't he? "...yes. yes to everything.