Floppy Disk 5

This was so unnatural, but it was so right....

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twelve

Now the planet has been unnaturally changed in a very short amount of time. obviously it required a tremendous amount of energy to transform the planet like this.

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POV vore - you, M'ress and Yellowstripe (UB)

More caustic slime is oozing into her womb from whatever unnatural source and it's only a matter of time before the slow burn of digestion gets you or you are forced to inhale it for lack of air.

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Absolute Zero Chronicles | Prologue

This expression seems unnatural for a lethal-looking, 300 pound beast of a creature equipped with natural weapons that could shred a mans insides out with a single swipe.

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Darkened Desert

The brown furred feline would stand out even without her vulgar and boisterous mannerisms; her unnatural brown fur and skimpy clothes would set her apart from most of the other tourists visiting this sacred old city - the smell of sex wafting from her as her

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Shattered Stone (Part 2)

She flowed out into mist-- --then flowed back, as the wolf parted its jaws and inhaled with unnatural strength.

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Anthropia: The Back Story

In attempting to take control of another species, they had caused a massive outbreak of unnatural disasters. the beasts, who were once inseparable from nature's influence, began to drift away to repeat the same mistakes.


Spyro the untold stories-Chapter 4: The patrol

She was lying on the ground in pain and clutching her ankle which was at an unnatural angle. "we make a good team, me and you...."

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The Wizard's Luck - Part 2

It was unnatural to him. "damn it!" he roared in an unnatural volume. he spun on his heel and left, cursing himself for giving up again. he hated himself for letting this elude him. he needed to know how life worked.

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A Tale of Two Species - Submission

Fifteen minutes or so passed before her golden eyes opened, slowly regaining focus on the human now reclad in the unnatural tones of red and black of his flight suit.

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