**Bropunzel** Written by Leo\_Todrius Supported by my Patrons The cerise sunset looked like something out of a child's storybook, stretching across the sky in pastel watercolors ranging from floral pink to earthy salmon. The sun itself had been...
Hair of the Beast Pt. 2
The sudden onset of early teenage beard growth had the whole group gunning for who would be the 'hairiest' before the spirit contest was over.
Spray-on Werewolf Fur
Please note the following words of warning: Read the tags! If there is a tag on here that you know is going to upset you DON'T read this story! I don't write to upset people, so don't read my stuff if you know it will make you upset. This story is...
Hidden Destiny
Hidden Destiny Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Beardbear A soft hush blanketed the mountain, muffled not by the absence of everything, but by the faintest mist that drifted down in the bright rays of sunlight. Dark steel colored clouds...
Satyrday Farms 1
Saturday Farms Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Nuwisha55 A huge plume of dust rose up along the old gravel road, signaling for miles around that travelers were venturing along unimpeded by the heat of the day. The heat wave had hit the...
Hair of the Beast pt. 3
**Part 3... Theory** Evening stole across the rooftops of Tom's mid-town neighborhood. The smell of barbecue and smoked meats was heavy on the wind, and despite the general laid back mood that permeated the neighborhood a number of men and teens...
Nerd No More
**Nerd No More** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by JR22 For some school was an obligation. For others it was a social nexus. It was a podium, an opportunity, a burden, a duty. For every student it was something else, and for Harold...
Bad Dalky!
**A prologue for a Bad Dalky...** Dalk had been a bad, bad, bad husky. The husky in question was dark... well black really... with glowing blue spots on his back and blue on his belly. He was a pretty normal looking husky with a friendly face and...
Hell Hound Chapter 2
growth, body hair, body hair growth warning!
Bad Puppy: Chapter One, Entwinement & Eternity
The black facial hair already looked like 3 days of dense beard growth, but was much longer on the sides of his squaring jaw, giving his face a wider, wilder look.
Badger Suncreen
Even though he had shaved that morning it looked like he had a couple of days of beard growth on his face. stranger yet was the grayish black color that it had taken on instead of his normal dusty blond.
Hell Hound Chapter 4, part 1
Transformation, wolf, hound, hell hound, brothers, family, bestiality, rape, incest, demon, male lactation, milk, milking, growth, muscles, m/m, blowjob, cub, puppy, underage, humans, muscle growth, cock growth, hairy, musk, beard growth, body hair, body hair