Review 4 - Sarah Scratches an Itch

For a first timer, the Inn could be rather intimidating, perhaps even boring. Especially if one traveled there alone without knowing what pastimes the resort offered. Sarah was in such a predicament. She had heard of the Inn and the rumors that...

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Can I keep him?

Geordi hissed, the coral snake naga curling away from his roommate in a huff. "no way we can take care of that." the rabbit standing alongside his prospective pet got defensive.

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Dining Out, Thinking In (Premium)

An argument was already brewing between the proud stallion and the host at the front, and as soon as the coral snake stepped in view, stable master turned on him. "_that_ is why i need the corner booth.

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A Snakish Attraction

Both serpens and the coral snake returned to the house.



Kathleen was becoming a coral snake, one of the most venomous species on the planet. unlike natalia, kathleen's hair quickly fell out as the scales spread across her head.

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Dining Out, Thinking In (Standard)

The coral snake didn't have time to focus on his own near-breakdown, or his almost-fall back to villainy. instead, he had to take care of the orca, and that... that gave him a good purpose.

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Chapter 1- Party Like Rock Stars

While he was thoroughly enjoying the show, he was to busy zoning in on a sexy coral snake not to far away. after about the eighth song a gate came down in front of the stage and the lights turned a dark red.

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welcome to paradise 3

Even worse, if the snake had the same kind of venom of a coral snake, arthur could die within an hour, and the camp was at least 3 hours away.

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The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 5: Tension

The brown lion scowled as the coral snake laughed at him. "shut up. just because you don't have standards doesn't mean i shouldn't either." the snake hissed again. "what about you, sally? still stuck in that love triangle of yours?"

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Some Boar Time

Sykes shoved his nose into the snake's chest and took a deep sniff as his other hand stroked and kneaded the coral snake's rounded beer gut. "not that... you... you're..."

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Deep Black Files: The Shadow Over Cairo File #2

Annabel smiles turning to her true form, an anthro coral snake and said "so be it, breed in be."

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