27 Days After

27 days after containment breach, a TV blared its familiar nonsense, the volume cranked to full and still going unheard under the heavy thump of music rattling through the nightclub. The evening news was running a special on how to protect your family...

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On the Beat: Chapter 1: Takedown

"besides i'm sure those pervs in there will be too occupied with their guns to get to their weapons before i crash the party".

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Meet Me at the Masquerade (Patreon Extreme)

Past the lively interior and friendly appearances the grounds were stocked full of armed guards and counter measures for anyone wanting to try and crash the party in some spectacular way.

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Nullum desiderium

Luckily another sedan sped through, crashing the party literally with an enemy agent doing a tumble over the hood. the assassin sprinted, firing his weapon, to the sedan as a person from the back driver side popped out with a carbine to give cover.

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Peach's Married Life

Their_second_ 'wedding' - the fake one, furnished with a plethora of stolen goods and kidnapped guests, specifically set up for mario to crash the party and thus be left believing that he'd successfully stopped them from marrying.

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My Journey Through High School: Chapter 9: A New Student

He certainly did have a point and i decided to go with it, and it wasn't like any parents were going to crash the party anytime soon, especially since nokemy's were far out of the state.

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The Human Species Ch. 64 - Unforgiven Killer Zerobi

Zerobi exclaimed cheerfully, turning to the side and beckoning them to follow, "come on, let's go deeper inside, wouldn't do to have someone come in and crash the party!" "wait... where's mew?"

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 4 - Meet my new friends, friends!!

Lets crash the party!!" blaze happily shouted. kyurex was angered. he needed to stop this, not to provoke it. „blaze...don't touch them...their not enemies!!" he shouted to blaze, making sure he said it seriously enough. blaze moaned.

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The Hangover

The plans had all been laid out for just the three of them, but then alan had crashed the party as he could never miss an opportunity to hang with his brother-in-law and his friends.

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Duke & Alex

"well, if your still planning on crashing the party, you'd better be quick!" duke was a 16 year old wolf with dark grey fur. his muscles shone through the sliced cotton shirt of his costume.

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The Chosen One’s Awakening: Prologue: The Chosen One’s Sacrifice and the Fall of Man.

Unbeknownst to ash and friends there are a few people about to crash the party, and sadly the festivities will be cut short. with that said, and the stage set i believe we should get our tale underway.

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The Scent of a Lover Part 1

Finally night came, there was a party at a bar i had to wait outside for a long time to make sure a vampire decided to crash the party i,of course, wasn't invited.

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