Jafar vs. Nagasiti 2

Across the multiverse, beings of supreme power face each other in a test of their skill and of their sexual prowess. Those who have reached beyond the level of deities, whose thirsts for power and carnal delights can no longer be sated by what the...

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Country Manpig pt 1

"i come from a long line of female magic folk. witches, if you will. since the old days, every female has married a man who is part pig. it's been this way for centuries." she motioned to greg.

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Journal Entry

A female's magic pertains to nurturing and protection, while a male's magic leans toward propagation and growth. because this essay is about the male lion kami pete, the male sex of the kami race will be the main focus.

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The Red Baron | Chapter 2

The bull became thinner, his body became soft and weak, while the pectorals were replaced by large tits and his ass became as soft as that of a woman. magic? what for if you have muscles!

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Chapter 59: For Yeneneshe

The female's magic was still stinging through her fur from the last blast, and she felt paralyzed with the pain of it. hawkeye had sent her flying through the air with a blast of white fire that scorched her to the bone.

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For Every Door that Closes -- Eight

The female's magic was, from how it was described, certainly connected to their life force, and at least somewhat powered sensually.

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Whatever Will I Do?

Every second that passed speeding up his heartbeat to a speeding race, each beat throbbing through the needy, sensitive organ so teased by the female's magic while the wolf slumped back into the wall.

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Virgin Virus - Ch22: Dangers

But before we could do anything, a weird girl magically took him and vanished, too." - he tactfully left out the part where i snap at the man with rage. i sighed.

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Cold Blood 15: Harsh Regret

A little old, perhaps just as her daughter was a little young, but still ... a fine woman, magic-handling aside. _alpha_ broke into the conversation. "now, magda, and ... elaine, yes?" the young girl nodded, still somewhat intimidated by the wolven.

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The Dragons, Chapter 1: Red Moon Falling

King vaelin growled, leaning forward to bite the horse's neck as, shocking though it might have seemed to the little pup, his belly began to grow, swelling as though he were a woman magically impregnated.

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San Francisco's Finest (Act1, Book1, Chapter10)

We can't claim some woman magically set people's hands on fire. unless she's willing to offer a public demonstration." sinopa shook her head. "it is against the rules. now, both of you, take care of yourselves.

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Through Fire (Chapters 4–8)

_ "that word again,_" ishné said, squinting at the girl. _"'magic'. my kind do not seem to have a concept that matches it. what is it?"_ "magic is--" cae trailed off. what was magic?

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