Surprise for Woof, Part 2: the morning after
"kek-kek-kek-kek-kek-kek" he chittered. he didn't know if woof would recognise it, but that was a feral falcon's mating call. he lay his head back down on the bed and parted his legs a little letting the wolf do as he pleased.
Sargon of Akkad Should Die
The sun rose in the west. Her light was red as the dawn's hue, piercing eerily through the branches and unto the plains. It was a strange sight, but it was lovely to be sure. One day, the light passed over a shrew, who protested. The sun took pity...
Doctor Who: Before the Beginning or Giants of Eternity
"a title for those who spend the epochs awake in kek space, watching for signs of the next universe, allowing the rest of the crew to sleep." the doctor nodded. "makes sense, makes sense." "excuse me," asked yaz, "but what does 'kek' mean?"
Part four: Enticing
"thrum zaga kek!" the orc commanded, "kek a zug!" he growled and lifted a crossbow, at this range; he'd kill her with the shot. "gor zog!"
Nim und Keks
Nim und keks written by silvercoyote nimrais & kajito alias keks (c) their players dedicated to two good friends of mine warning: the following story contains heavy adelt scenes and is recommended for mature readers age 16+ man konnte sich
Until he fishes out a silver kek - a coin worth about a weeks pay.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 27: Wolf's Day Out
Mati kek lu = go die or something_ _for some reason sofurry editor doesn't like non-english characters, so sorry for the questions marks._
A Spirit on the Rise - Episode 4
"kek! now how did he put it... he called you a slacker, i think. ain't that a bitch?" the fox's brow furrowed, but he tried to hide the annoyance for being called that twice in one night. "a sla- ...really?"
Homecoming Out: Epilogues
Well, i guess i did have a little fun crashing toru's livestream with a bunch of internet peeps form readit /gay/ that i told to comment exclusively in doggo speak, kek kek kek.
Etwas an dir - Kapitel 2
Ich biss dann in den keks und musste einen moment nachdenken, während ich das gebäck zwischen meinen zähnen zermalmte. das knuspern und knirschen unterbrach jeglichen versuch einer weiteren konversation.
Hals und Beinbruch
Ganz sicher was er sagen sollte, ihm machte es normalerweise nichts aus mit dem anderen jungs unter der dusche zu onanieren, auch spiele wie kekswichsen hatten sie schon gemacht, wobei felan dabei niemals verloren hatte, sondern immer wer anderes den keks
Kapitel 10 - Audienz
„nicht nur, dass sie das gute tafelsilber rausgeholt haben.", scherzte er, biss in den keks und machte einige verzückte geräusche. „sie haben auch gleich die guten kekse rausgeholt!"