Something Great

His father, being the biggest manslut in history, wasted no time in tearing off his own jeans and whipping out his thick cock. the potent smell of his father's dick sent shivers down paul's spine, and he felt his fuck tunnel heat up and moisten.

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Cuck a Dude Will Do

Your manslut here said you two were looking for a threesome. imagine my surprise! the happy couple that's been lording it over the gay bar's head has been looking to spice up the relationship. what's wrong?

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The Neighbors

What the fuck are you talking about, you manslut, i ought to - hey what do you think you're doing?? hey, those are my clothes, get your grubby paws off mmmm-!" "thanks, bro," i said as he wrapped his paws over her mouth.

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My Gym Partner's Bro, Cum-Laude (Part 1)

My Gym Partner's Bro, Cum-Laude (Part One) by Eightane \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* There'd been better days for Adam than this one. A mirror showed him how it...

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Boss's Bitch

He wouldn't be able to walk out of that office without the secretary eyeing him, seeing him as a bitch, the boss's little personal manslut. she knew, she knew, she knew!

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Beginning to Solidify

"yeah, he's more of the manslut type," brad remarked. marty stuck a pouty lip out at him, and the wolf waved a paw. "ah, you, stop that, i'm just teasing. he's not really that bad," he clarified, to jonathon. "he's just bad at commitment."

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Aurum Academy: Prologue

"now where the hell is that manslut, deneb? he said that he's already here" barry and natsumi looked at each other... then back at the rabbit as barry spoke.

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Procedural Mojo

His neck tightened, turning screech to a whimper; hardly thinking how much stronger it would be, when his brick-wall-manslut started thrusting.

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A Learning Experience Pt. 5

There might have been flashes of his night in the club, of his past life as a club crawling manslut, from before naira had found him. but the image that stuck, that settled firmly into a proper dream, if only for a moment, was his dad's garage.

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Mostly Beefcake, With a Slight Chance of Darkness

**_ohhhh_** , _such a natural **manslut** _..." luminant in his narrowed eyes, were a set of feline biceps, swerving and rocking with the motion. _"even your, **ung** ghh, build is no match for mine... **eghh**... and you call yourself a...

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Simple Inequalities

Jeff's head tilted level, and further, gaze lowering with furrowed brow; wordlessly confronting his manslut, without so much as a break in pelvic rhythm. cal just chanced to look up, wanting to see what he _thought_ would be a countenance of bliss.

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Club V Pt 2

"manslut." raidramon smiled and tilted his hips in a very alluring way. "fuck yeah i am."

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