
"Walk with me?" It was as plaintive an offer as any she'd ever made. His acceptance came as a surprise to both parties, but a welcome one. She reached up to touch his fuzzy cheek, a gesture that brought a rare smile to his grim features. The glint...

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Noble Obligation

Now he was obligated to see this to the end, or until nature took care of things. her shoulders rose then fell but she did not turn around to meet his serious gaze. "i don't know.

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Cultural Obligations

#6 of tasf the otter marla has to obey the obligations required of clothing and plants. she does not have a problem with this. the following story involves mf rimming. reader discretion is advised.

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Contractual Obligations

Set forth by the state of ingling, shall be obliged to the best of the contractor's responsibility, else the contractor shall be held in breach of contract" was a very powerful clause indeed.

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Contractual Obligations

"good, then this may come as no surprise to you that as partners, we must fill our contractual obligations. do you agree, yes?" "yes." it had never been so hard to breath. "very well.

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Contractual Obligations

His contract had expired at the end of last semester, so he wasn't technically even obligated to show up, but it was too late to turn back now. still, did jeff want him to sign on again?

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Territorial Obligations

Lukha bent her long neck to stare at her Lord. He gripped her shoulder with a powerful claw, and dragged her back across the wet ground until she was underneath him. She undulated her body, rubbing her back against his belly. She twisted her neck...

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Contractual Obligations

Hello again! Sorry, again for the wait, but hopefully this will be worth it! Another long one, so pace yourselves, heh. As always, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy! And do make sure to mind the tags before reading, this is easily my meanest...

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Contractual Obligations

"Thank you for being here today, Mr. Connelly," the man behind the desk said smoothly. Well, "man" might not be the best description - the face that stared at Mike was that of a bull, complete with horns, and the hands that shuffled papers had only...

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Noblesse Oblige

She twisted the sheet between her fists and arched her back, groaning. Catra's breath came in stuttering gasps, not quite panting but making her breathless enough to feel light-headed. Sweat caused her white fur to stick up and lie flat in various...

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Noblesse Oblige

"_noblesse oblige_", his master always said: the obligation of the underclasses to obey and submit to their more privileged counterparts.

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Obligations to your Milker

obligations to your milker for vanrixie by draconicon "one, two, three, four...five," holly said, chuckling as she slowly worked the latest of the condoms up the side of luciana's shaft.

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