What Lies Beneath

This story was written for Gamerfox as their patreon flash fiction for October. It contains F/Solo and other sexual acts between multiple consenting adults, as well as magically related voyeurism. :3 **What Lies Beneath** Nina didn't know how...

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Plan A

I scanned the room with my x-ray vision, and located the doll in record time. "check in that plant pot over there." i suggested.

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One Dot Below the I

Enough" sylvia sylvia sylvia sylvia she squats in the shower howling she crosses her arms and bends over slowly she climbs in between her legs o difficult she slides in wet and slippery and disappears willlllya lookat that i repeat: the reader with x-ray

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The Year of 2036 - Characters

Mate: darkmoon colors: silver, gray, blue auroraeyes sex: female age: 2 mutant abilities: super senses, abnormal hieght, x-ray vision, fighting master, super speed hieght: 22 in.


5 Minute Challenge - Pongo, Krypto, ?????

Without thinking about it, he realized he was using his x-ray vision! he could see right through her cute paws, beneath her tail! he could hardly believe what he was doing! still, he couldn't resist, scanning up her body.

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Zedpocalypse Ch 2

Before i could ask, he said, "they have all had their eyes enhanced to be able to see in something similar to x-ray vision." "ok that answers the question i had just a second ago" we entered the building and were swallowed in darkness.

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CYOA: Rustwater Chronicles Pt5

"holy shit, you created x-ray vision?" he looked to mistress amarith. setting the notepad down, she took the broken hand mirror from him. "well actually it's just material transparentcy. true x-ray is impossible, at least so far.


Permanent Positions - Chapter 5: Morning Breaks

Kat blushed and nodded to this, then realized, "no, your flatmate does not likely have x-ray vision." with a bit of a wavering voice, she said,"okay?"

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Poetic Threesome

Wishing she had x-ray vision, so she could check out their dicks. one was named brandon, while the other was tim. little did they know, tonight they would fulfill her every whim.

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A trainer's story [06]

Luxray and typhlosion were the first ones to enter the cave as the gleam eyes pokemon used his x-ray vision to look around for the right directions while typhlosion used his fire collar to illuminate their way.

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Latex Stream Story 1: The HardRock Costume

Just standing in the middle of the fitting room, he could feel just how thick the walls were, and he imagined that some of them were lined with lead or other materials to keep x-ray vision from getting through.

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