Mizalin-on-Sky: Away on an Airship
Shadow and far too close by to see avaeria's upper half.
Homeward Flight
Just think about it--everything in avaeria is powered by the central magical grid.
Volcano Visit
They had just entered _shadeside_--avaeria's literal underbelly.
City Sector Uplift part 1
Historically, avaeria always had to be grounded to do major expansions.
Coastal Town
From the way people talk in avaeria, i was expecting more hostility in the outer colonies."
Fledgling Wilderness Survival Expedition
The dockyards were located near the centre of avaeria, close to the middle of the entire city.
Showing Some Restraint
Sector one, commonly referred to as the central district or just _central_, was the dense city core located right in the middle of avaeria.
City Sector Uplift part 6
Weaving tendrils of energy poured out from spires located at numerous points across avaeria, stretching out into the sky all around.
Defying Gravity
That rooftop is the highest point in avaeria. it's got this nice scenic view, and young couples especially seem to find it romantic.
City Sector Uplift part 4
They were now waiting at the edge of avaeria, looking out over open air to spectate the new sector launch.
A Taste of the Wild
Scattered, swirled white clouds dotted across the blue afternoon sky, but looking upwards jarzyl caught a glimpse of avaeria.
Jarzyl's Clan Crisis
Although avaeria was always bustling, it was mostly the lower airways which were filled with dragons flying from point to point, or the occasional airship powering its way across the city.