Shifting Consequences--Chapter 12: Wet Gratification

Bella the orca herm uses her alone time for some serious self gratification that grants her a beautiful release. Note: This short chapter can stand on it's own as a sex scene. Shifting Consequences--Chapter 12: Wet Gratification By: Zmeydros AKA...

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Learning to Swim - Part III

"Ehm..." Iolvin stirred from his sleep, sunlight bearing down harshly on his eyes. Spotting the clock on his nightstand and that they'd obviously slept through the alarm, he nuzzled his sister saying, "Lulu? Get up, sis." Ilaria only shifted in...

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Herd All About It

Miiky let out a soft moo, and rested her head on her hoof, looking out of the window to the huge truck. It wasn't fair; she grew up on that old farm, why is she going to be sold? It's not like she hadn't been a good provider or anything drastic, so...

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The Sanctuary, chapter 2

The Sanctuary, chapter 2: "Nnnnnnnoooo." Shaira complains as you try to get her off of you. She's got you tied up in knots again, and she's taken to sleeping on top of you. Not initially, of course, but during the night, she drapes herself across your...

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DSOTM: The Host with the Most Part 3

The Host with the Most Part 3 April 2013 Story of the Month By Danath []( Parts 1 and 2 of this series are available in the Story of the Month folder on my SoFurry page. \* \* \* Marie ran a brush...

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What You Do With What You've Got

This story was written for Tygacat as his patreon flash fiction for September. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults. **What You Do With What You've Got** "Fuck me..." Amy giggled as she tumbled back down onto the bed, the lithe...

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Just One Couldn't Hurt

Hawk was ready. He had his favorite pair of DeltaPaw sunglasses turned up in his hair, his black leather jacket with a snazzy grey shirt, and dark blue jeans with just the smallest of tearing. He was ready for the club, and Gulp was one of the...

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Griechischer Abend

Griechischer Abend Die Luft in der Kajüte des Ersten Maats war stickig und erhitzt vom sonnenreichen Tag. Obschon dem Kojoten Giles als erster Mann Logan Silvers das Privileg eines eigenen Raumes auf der Stormborn zuteil wurde, war es kein...

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A Midsummer Night's Wolf

Taking a last longing look at the contents of his monitor, the young man let out a sigh and pushed back his chair. Clad only in boxers, he was definitely no Adonis, but he wasn't anywhere near overweight either; just an average twenty-something in an...

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Core’s Opportunity—Chapter 3

Core's visits Millie's Menagerie and learns a lot about the dragon in charge. Note: This chapter may be updated with a newer improved version in the future. My collaborator is busy with school right now. The changes probably won't be...

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Warmth in the Arctic: Chapter 6 (Patreon Platinum)

To Tuska's excitement, things were going remarkably well for this particular mission. When the team of huskies were making their way across the warmed snow and skirting the edge of the mountains they did their best to remain quiet and calm. While they...

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Thicc Wicke and the Gardevoir

Wicke walked down the hallway of the Aether Foundation headquarters towards her living quarters, her heels clicking with each step. She was dressed in her traditional pink turtleneck that showed off her plump breasts quite well. Wicke was the bustiest...

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