A Drunk Bet

The taur then laid down and leaned forward, showing off the depths of his throat to the much smaller female. "climb in, i hear my belly is quite comfy."

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Youthful Experiments

Sasha was waiting for melissa when she arrived and grinned at the smaller female fur and pulled her inside the house for a second. melissa tired from walking the distance to sasha did not struggle and followed the wolf inside the house.

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John stands before zuno, the smaller woman staring at john's dick. "okay, bitch... suck my cock in front of all these people. now." demands john, his tone stern.

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Hunters Game-Chapter One

Came the female's voice again, a slightly smaller female on her back, piggyback style. judging by size, they had to be in their teens, late teens at the oldest.

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[Tabs - Practise]

Cradling the small woman in his arms he let himself fall backwards gently onto their bed, sitting the smaller woman on his torso as they continued their passions.

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Girls' Zone 8

Slipping into the room, she pulled the smaller girl close to her before giving her a soft kiss on the maw, rubbing along her back a bit as nadine rewarded her with a soft murr of joy.

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For the Love of the Game

He grinned as he loomed over her, not making contact with the much smaller woman but cutting off all but the slimmest avenue of escape. thankfully for francesca, that was all she needed.

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Meeting Mika - Chapter 4 - Beach

Mika's miniature prostate was not so much stroked as it was beaten by seen, that was just how rough the dire bear was as he pushed and pushed and pushed on up into the smaller girl within his grasp.

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An Evil Forgotten Chapter 9 - RD, AJ, Zecora & Fluttershy

The sight of the smaller female's tried snatch, the fluttering nethers winking at him with a promise of a welcome due to one such as he, made cere'qul moan in pleasure. "so wonderful for you to have come back to us at last."

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Alice Dippleblack in On The Run Ch1

"oh, you are gonna get it now, tiny," danahlia declares, somehow leaping over to the much smaller girl. before twinkaleni can react, danahlia grabs up the mouse mage in a full body hug, wrapping her arms, legs, and tail around the murin.

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Shifting Consequences--Chapter 8: Intimate Preparations

The sensation of being in a smaller female body overwhelms him. glenn walks over to zack and grabs his shoulder. "are you okay?" shaking his head slightly, zack brings himself out of his reverie.

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[COMMISSION FOR Jayne] Life At Stake

Yelled the smaller woman, still fighting against the giant rodent's grip, "let me go this instant!" "why don't you just calm down? i'm trying to have a civilized conversation with you," said the mouse.

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