Hotel Emperador - Chapter 6: Ascended Sun

As soon as jan resumes with his position as leader of this clan, i am sure he will back me up one hundred percent with this once he watches the video.

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Beyond the Sunset

Lady jan believes they can take more pressure, but even lady jan's engineering will fail at _some_ point." "i don't think it works that way. i don't think magic..." he left the sentence unfinished. "what? you don't think it what, dr. toth?" "kio.

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Twelve Vores of Christmas - Second Vore of Christmas, Rabbit

jan stood there as she felt the icy freezing wind from the outside rush past her and her paw moved to where her belly was and she tenderly rubbed it, whispering. "please return back to me."

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Under Attack

jan grabbed a utility belt to go with her outfit and four magazines, along with his rifle. "i'll grab another for myself. just get up there and melt." she nodded, taking all of it and stepping aside.

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[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-001]

"no jan, i'm still waiting until the program is ready and prepare everything for the recovery phase. our new subjects should be comfortable." "all right, see you later carol." "enjoy your meal, until later jan." dr. jan simon went to the canteen.

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[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [DE-001]

"nein jan, ich warte noch bis das programm fertig ist und bereite alles für die aufwachphase vor. unsere neuen subjekte sollen sich ja wohl fühlen." "alles klar, bis nachher carol." "guten appetit, bis später jan." dr.

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A Silvergate story (Chapter 7/11) - Everyday

jan nodded distantly. -- i expected it, yes. why are you here? -- what? i'm warning you in case that it's true. -- how did you escape? something was wrong. jan seemed angry, unsympathetic. -- what's up, jan? -- you want me to tell you, don't you?

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Paradise Ascendant

If this short explanation was all it took to convince jan to take on his tightened budgeting plan, he would have given him this talk much sooner.

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The Toyshop

Both of these have featured jan, a wolf, having some level of bad day. unfortunately for him... this is set to continue.

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Inside the Studio: Intro, Pt.1

"thanks, jan." quinn grinned. jan smirked back, "no problem honey! it's always good to- raun!" she started, quickly hustling back to the kitchen with plenty of choice words.

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jan 2014]** sie flogen an der spalte entlang. unter ihnen erstreckte sich das weißliche grün des ostens mit wenigen kargen bäumen, die im nebel standen.

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