Arc 1 - Ephraim - 3: The Offer
There was a mew in his village, a greater blessing could not have fallen upon them, the protection he would offer once he controlled his power would be un-paralleled.
Kobold Kissing Lessons: An Offering to the Goddess
How many of them had accepted an "offering" from the kobold? ennrion was right about one thing, zroc was not the monogamous type. "for the goddess shahaada to fully heal you," sitora began, "it is your turn to provide her with an offering.
[Commission] Sticky Situations and Irrefusable Offers
I think it's a generous offer, all things considered." "no." one of zac's brows perked upward. "no?" "oh, sorry, lemme correct myself. hell no!"
Forging Bonds-Chapter 28: The Offer
"kaera brákfurdútir, we are offering you an opportunity to be the next member of the phenomenal five."
Alone In Darkness (Part 2: His Offering)
His offering syraph was due back in one more day from her mini-vacation. seeing as how i had already cleaned the cave, had a visitor, gone hunting several times, and just filled up on food for the day, i was left to do whatever i pleased.
To Boldly Hoof It Ch 11. The Princess's Offer
The princess's offer everything started to come back to lightning dust while she sat up on the bed in the unknown fancy, looking around at her surroundings.
Forging Bonds-Chapter 41: Offering a Shoulder.
His metacarpi latched onto my right breast after i offered my dyad, so i waited as he played with it, and lárus suckled on my free teat.
Drake offers to... 'help' a needy CBoy Otter...
He was surprised but delighted when the dragon offered to take him him home, and now he's just following along, into the cave. "oh uh... do you have a condom?"
Cherry: Chapter 12 - Offer From the Devil
They brought me to the basement nobody knew existed beneath Dicky's Bar. Anybody aware of its dark presence either rightfully kept their traps shut or never walked out the same way again. Most of the time, any...
Isolation Remastered-Excerpt 1-Job Offer
"not economically viable to offer it off the shelf", the old man said, "i may not look it, but i own a rather large company, and to offer a product for only one customer who would buy it just doesn't work, though i will give you a discount on the 2000 round
Oliver and Company: Offering Some Nub-Tail
Page=97116&filename=linkin+monroe+-+roscoe+%26amp%3b+desoto+-+small.jpg/) **offering some nub-tail** **for linkin\_monroe** **by draconicon** one day. just one bad day, and they were out on the streets.
Life Changing Opportunity- Chapter 4: An Offer Sealed
._ * * * life changing opportunity chapter 4: an offer sealed written by rogal urson killara awoke several hours later and looked out the window. night had fallen over the city and the buildings outside were all lit up.