Alternado, la historia de mi personaje

Uros trataba de recomponerse, pues el golpe le había agotado mas de lo que esperaba, y eso, probó ser suficiente para no ver semejante titán acercándose a el, hasta ser demasiado tarde, miro hacia arriba y vio las mismas armaduras que antes, pero de color oro

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Contractual Obligations

After a journey of tense relaxation and guarded conversation, the car pulled up in front of a lavish restaurant set among a picturesque backdrop of parque oros.

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Lonesome with the Stars

Maybe one day she could return, maybe even with insu' oro, her friend and, now lover.

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Feet First

"oros! where the fuck is wilkes!?" the marine he'd called to was up to his elbows in human and cornerian blood, his helmet missing and more crimson staining his stubble-marked cheek. he answered without taking his eyes off what he was doing.

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Chapter 4 - Family Far and Near

Miro and oro are out buying food so i can have a break." "like that's suffering," i flicked my tail to show i was teasing and headed to the back with siro. in his office was, of all the things i had never expected to see, a telephone.

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Blue Bolt Adventure #1: Medianoche

"we have a saying in my country: el sangre se valga màs de oro. blood is more precious than gold. besides, the idiot has already paid me. i have nothing to lose by cutting his throat." the jaguar said as he flexed his claws menacingly.  

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amor de un mes

-jóvenes silencio, silencio por favor- dice el profesor-hoy se une a la clase un nuevo alumno que fue adelantado, pasa- por la puerta del salón aparece un león de pelaje amarillo como el oro, de 1.90 cm, unos ojos verdes oscuros y de 19 años.

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The Legend of the Lost City part 5.

Cuenta que iba ser dificil moverse ahi ya que todo estaba podrido y los caminos no eran faciles de recorrer, pero despues de recorrer las partes que se podian explorar entraron en el camarote del capitan, una vez que entraron vieron montoculos y monticulos de oro

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Courting a Princess Part I

"by oro, you're gorgeous." tristano spoke barely above a whisper, but sabrina could hear it, and she licked her lips. as she turned around, she bounced the tennis ball against the court floor, and then with a jump, she sent the next serve flying.

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De Nuevo Guerra... Cáp. XVII

A los lados se veían unos arcos de piedra en la pared, debajo de ellos, cofres con armamentos, oro y joyas. unos cofres ya estaban abiertos y otros más vacíos. las telarañas cubría la mayor parte del lugar y los huesos rodeaba los cofres.

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Los 5 guerreros de la luz (Capitulo 2 Atando cabos)

Que le corresponde a max -es cierto necesitamos encontrar la armadura de fuego -no hay problema yo la tengo, bueno parte de ella (contesta rex) inmediatamente se dirigió hacia su habitación y regreso con solo parte de una armadura, un guante de oro

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Caught in the Middle

The diamond dragon dropped from the belly of the obsidian claw a few hours later and i oriented the craft towards oros taga, watching the black pirate vessel veer off to one side.

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