Project Azura. Rescue in the Lazulai Sea
"thank you...", the captain paused smacking his jowls together as his species were known to, trying to remember the young avian's name.
The Consort
Rikku rubbed his eyes as he made out the faint depiction of what he thought to be an avian species in the water. this was strange since the avian folk had long been ostracized in the region.
Avian Entry 2: My first spell
The god of the avian race is named lone, in scripts he has been known as many types of bird, though master teomar confided to me that he was actually a raven.
Infestation: Breeder
He padded in soft, under the radar, around the the avian's front, before she was even aware of his presence.
Friendly Fire 2 - Bird's Eye View
There stood the team's ace avian pilot, leaning against the doorway, his eyes slightly red and posture slumped. "falco..." \*\*\* it was an altogether dark evening that welcomed back starfox's avian ace pilot.
The Metamorph planet Pt2
What would gareth think of this avian? hell, what would everyone think of this avian? these thoughts flickered past my mind all through our intercourse.
Senz'Anima - Quiet Indulgence
The boy was very apologetic once they got home, pouting and staring at the floor until the avian couldn't stand to scold him anymore.
Pierro's Space Escapades p.3
The knot popped into caeso and he left out a broken moan before pierro shot his thick seed into the avian, swirling inside without and exit.
Captain's Evaluation
He rubbed over the avian's ears, letting out a grunt of pleasure when jay swallowed around the flesh, and let the younger avian go as far as he wanted, remembering less enjoyable experiences with a slight grimace.
Tandem Tigers
They gripped the feathered body tight in their hands and rammed their cocks into the warm nubile and very skilled avian.
He Found Me As Ice - chapter 2
The boy moved his tongue around the tip, eliciting another purr of pleasure from the avian.
One too many nights away from home
"christopher this is normal... especially for an avian, it's no small thing we're doing here.