A Wolf for Christmas

"i wonder if he likes chinese..." will nearly jumped out of his fur as jason knocked and opened the bathroom door slightly. "uh-um...yes?" "hey there, i need to know if you're alright with chinese. i would make something but..." "but what?

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Die Role - Ch 3

Not to mince words, but... that meant they were the... private whore of that chinese prince, right? do you... think it is always going to make me act so shamelessly?"

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Across the way

"can i come over for chinese tomorrow too?" haley's laughter was the only reply rob needed.

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Life's a Beach, Wave 3.

As i leave my bedroom dressed in a white button down short sleeved shirt and a pair of light blue tight jeans and wearing my best cologne, i look up at the clock on the wall and see 6:30pm, great just enough time to pick up a bottle of wine and pick up a chinese

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Kung Fu Panda: A Dinner For Two (Requested by AceHooded)

A young chinese pig (not calling chinese people pigs. in kung fu panda there were animals such as pigs as civilians.) looked under their table, starting to pull at her mother's dress. tigress and viper quickly pulled back.

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How I got To San Andreas (well almost there)

The door opens revealing a short chinese man chinese man: what do you need? me: what you got?

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 145

A male voice, with a thick chinese accent, answered back. "i am hao chan. i wish to speak to master smith; i believe he is here?" a slight pause followed; granny tuathla was probably trying to work through the mix of the canadian and chinese accents.

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Weight Gain on Muscle Beach

He needed that chinese takeout he was smelling right now. yes, he knows chinese takeout is not authentic chinese food, that's why he clarified it in his mind as ``chinese takeout'' not ``chinese food''.

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Chapter Three

chinese and us forces have not left the country as the chinese army remains with the soviets and the american army with the new democratic republic of russia.

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H&DP: Junkfood Dog

So it began, all night burger joints, pizzas (so long as he picked it up before work), chinese food on the holidays, and anyone who would deliver till 11:00pm, all this gloriously greasy food chased with the grocery bags filled with chips, cookies, candy,

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Llijah Teng Cuu Biography

Llijah was transferred under guard to the xian chan political prison facility, high in the chinese mountains, a facility notorious for having thousands go in, and only tens ever come out.


Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 23: IDs Galore

Didn't we decide the chinese might have someone on mars?" luke wondered. "i did a little investigating. the total offworld population currently is six individuals, and they're all in the iss.

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