Nucleic Bonds

#1 of nucleic bonds ok so this is just a little incest smut story i puddled out in like an hour and a half...i got bored one night. as always let me know what you think.

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Bonds of Ownership

After all, the pair of them were to be bonded as master and property later that day, and the human might bolt if he told sean too much about it beforehand.

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The Eternal Bond

In this particular chapter, the bond between daenerys and drogon deepens, both of them reaching a higher understanding of one another when daenerys transcends her status as a queen and accepts her role as a mentor and a teacher for drogon. 

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A Bond that Holds

Part 3 <<<< Current Chapter >>>> Last Part Start from the beginning!Support me on Patreon for novel chapters, snippets, and more exclusive content!Hello again, dear readers and purveyors of fine canine couplings. The Third installment of Andriel's...

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New Bond

The entrance was right up ahead and Spyro began a trot. He knew that outside there was a small pond that he'd be able to wash off in. The purple dragon carried Flame into the light of outside. A smile came to his face as he approached the clear water....

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**The Unbreakable Bond**

# \*\*the unbreakable bond\*\* _from a cold lonely light under the moon_ _ __the winters night's wind will blow gently upon my face with a heavyemptiness of betrayal, and devastation on my face __ for eternity so my body

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Spirit Bonding

They were connected spiritually which was a bond stronger than blood.

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Bond of Brothers

**bond of brothers ~ part 1** steady, soaking rain fell throughout the evening across the small coastal town of stillwater cove, muffling the world with its monotonous hiss and turning everything grey as dusk fell behind a dense blanket of cloud.

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Bird Bonding

Tree leaves started falling, signaling the slow coming of autumn. A lone blue-feathered hawk walked down the sidewalk, a dark blue jacket over his white shirt to protect him from the season's coming cold. With his girlfriend out of town and his...

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Brotherly Bonding

_It had just hit the middle of the summer season with August rolling in with it's wonderful weather. Having found time to get off work, Rob and his brother Brox had decided to make sure of a weekend to get away from things together and just enjoy some...

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Family Bonding

Father and son bonding. standard disclaimer. don't read if not such and such age, legal in area, yada yada, ect ect. i've got the present idea floating in my head, but i'd like to hear from you, the readers. want to read more?

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