Names of War

"my parents.. " anne asked "accepted the decision with grace and honour. they sent you out to the pickup truck, embraced each other and whilst they were embraced...


A College Life Chapter 1 Part 4

"ron this is josh, moxy my mate and ann. josh's girlfriend." said drake. "nice to met you all." said ron. "nice to met you too." said josh an ann.

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2 - Julie Ann and Don

Julie ann laughed at an obvious distraction, "sure." "hey molly, go get your lead." the golden lab jumped up and disappeared out the door in a flash. "we should get away from this bed. julie ann looked back at the bed.

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Horror Vale - ch 25

I need to speak with gareth and anne." their parents looked at each other and then nodded. anne's mother gave her a light kiss on the forehead, and her father on the hand, then they all left, leaving gareth and anne alone with robert.

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Kayla: Anne's View

[anne? anne dear, it's time to get up for your first day of school], the voice of my mother daria said in her soft manner, the cool scaled claw making me crack a smile on my snout.

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Barbara ann steele, his own steel heart had begun to unlock.

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anne asked as she handed him a cup of tea, "jealous you're not getting laid on company time?" the mole rolled his eyes and took a sip. "charming, anne.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 78: Come With Me Now (Embracing Demons Part III)

Afterwards dianna wild recruited alex, zhade, kenna and ruth ann to work in the lost city's new community garden with t'hoka and gahri providing security. that was the goal, however there were complications...

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Within The Lab: A Business Proposal

ann gave an appropriate sigh before she stood up and ran her fingers through her hair. "i think i'm just going to go home and try and forget about it." "i'm sorry, ann,he really was a dog though."

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Mary-Anne's Mammaries

`` mary-anne said, confused. beautiful? she? not hardly, not anymore! ``yeah,`` the woman continued, apparently not aware of mary-anne's confusion.

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4 - Molly helps

Julie ann stroked her and spoke soothingly. the human didn't understand. her mate was surrounded by strangers, outnumbered, and she couldn't do anything.

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