Pocket Portal! - Oops

Like having something stuck between your back teeth, it didn't hurt exactly, but you knew it was there in a vaguely uncomfortable way.

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Orcish Welcomes

Gesturing vaguely to his empty glass and then looking from the orc's face to the bar. rogash gives a chuckle, gesturing back towards the bar with a nod.

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Fear and Loathing - Prologue

Public records, employment records, and most people even reporting vague memories, all there as if the creatures have been here all along.

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He was in a medical ward on some star base... he vaguely remember that they had been shipping ore to girxagon. which meant that they would be docking at star base four twenty seven...

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Minor Disagreements

Gurz's lips finally synched with his vocal chords to form the gurgled, vague word. his vision was clearing a little better now, vague grays becoming darkened colors, the light becoming far less blinding, turning into bright torchlight instead.

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Best Practices in Corporate Security

Ivan's heart thumped in his chest as he stared at "dracee," who looked vaguely feline, vaguely draconic, and altogether strange. a large, round nose protruded over a broad muzzle.

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Pit Stop

Chelsea had been riding her motorcycle in a vague southeasterly direction for the last week, not heading anywhere in particular.

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Lucien: Introductions

The class went by quickly, and lucien had vaguely listened to the orientation for this class.

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I Came to Myself within a Dark Wood

Never before had he felt more helpless in his life, and the idea that he would be out here alone all night was vaguely frightening. still, he kept walking, and searching.

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There was a vague menace to him, but at the same time also a strange kind of appeal, something that tugged hard on the otter's curiosity.

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Different Light

Too vague. what's really going on?" she considered him, this dog she'd grown up with, and who'd clearly done some growing up since they'd parted company.

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