The masks we wear, part one

I had split off from my friends soon after showing up at the festival, feeling more like walking alone than having company.

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The Offering

Several thoughts crossed her mind, about what her lord wanted, but she knew that after showing her all this kindness, that it was safe for her to go. she quickly dove into the bath and washed up, taking extra care to look good that evening for him.

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Price of Survival: Part 1

It was getting dark by the time that kar ended the tour after showing nedric his room that was furnished more for a king.

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Gains and Losses

after showing it off to the newly nulloed boys around her, she discussed it at some length with the dealer, also learning each players' motivation for coming in today.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 17

He ignored the swing of the monster, instead going in with his own attack, roaring furiously he threw a powerful slash at the creature, the black monster didn't react, clearly not expecting him to move so swiftly after showing such strong signs of exhaustion

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College Heat

She had a certain spring in her step as she made her way to the athletic center on campus and was allowed into the gym there after showing her ticket, a few other furs shuffling in along side her.

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Putting Away The Groceries (1/2)

after showings of fifty shades of grey, most cinemas found 'used' cucumbers in their aisles..."

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Stuck Pig

after showing klo his new face grace turns the mask around to reveal that the oral hole is attached to a huge, hollow dildo. "open wide piggy." grace says. "noooo, please don't." klo thrashes as much as he can and relishes the helplessness.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 18

The dumbfounded expression he adopted soon after showed clearly that he doesn't know what he is looking for. "that's the sound of the extra point basket breaking apart" she clarified and spun around, marching annoyed to the counter "that's not fair!"

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Vanya the Snake Charmer

If you've been fooling around before and after shows you can tell me, i won't tell." "i mean it, it was my first time with him." vanya insisted. "so does that mean he was your first?" michelle stated.

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The Hidden Greenhouse

He went to all the trouble of abducting him just to let him go after showing him one of his guests. the police might not buy his testimony, but if he showed them the other fox prisoner, they would have to believe him then.

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