Seeing everything

After they were dressed, nick checked his pocket for the carrot-pen. he became a bit panicked when he couldn't find it, but judy just said "looking for this." and then showed the pen. how she had gotten the pen he didn't know, but he was impressed.

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Extra Cream

"and here's a pen for you to sign--" aedric tried to pass the ballpoint pen over to the dragoness, but his grip was so shaky that it fell out of his hand. the pen bounced off the edge of the counter and fell at zel's feet. "ah, whoops!"

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Mare's Tails and Dragon Scales

Very well my girls, the pen has been cleaned and the food is in the troth. back inside!" the dragons all nodded and started back towards the door, returning into the mud covered pen.

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A Pokemons Tale: Houndour Prologue

Oh and when he learned to walk he had tried to escape so many times they had to build a little make shift pen out of stones to keep him in when they needed a little rest from the hyper active pup.

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Happy Endings

All too soon they arrived at the pens and he was handed over to the fur in charge. one look at the fur made him nearly collapse in shock. it was one of his friends and lovers, jheremie!

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Maximilian, the friendly lion

The three of them looked down into the pen, at the sleeping lion, at the pile of what used to be frank. "maybe if someone accidentally strayed into max's pen and provoked him..." jim pondered.

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Prologue: Open Seats and Open Hearts

"do you have a pen i could borrow?" "oh!" the question caught him off guard, but he reached into his pocket and withdrew one, handing it to me. "yeah, here."

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Echo's Story

The greyhound in the next pen smelled pretty good... he walked into the next pen, not even realizing he had traveled through wire mesh to get there, and started licking number 70.

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Farming with dragons (FERAL VERSION)

"hey take it easy girl ill help you to your pen there is no rush its only a couple of feet away".

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Spirit of \'67

She lifted her hands over her head, letting the swaying of her hips cause the skirt to ride down off her hips and over her legs, pausing only to bring the pen mic to her lips again.

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Heated Research

She spun a few times, then reared onto her hindquarters and grabbed the iron portcullis of her pen to stare at him with deep blue eyes. "i swear, i'll just..." suel stumbled in his rush, lurched forward, then crashed upon the tall boards of another pen.

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