Witching Woods
"uh... sorry guess i inadvertently showed you one of my illusions." zor shrugged, the delphox still holding his wand defensively "heh... a zoroark... i was hoping you were a ditto. it would have made everything easier."
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 8: Triumphant Returns
The difference was that zoroark and zorua have the natural ability to cast illusions, while psychic types need to learn how to manipulate the optic center in the brain. dark types are immune, so they can see through psychic illusions.)
Illusionary Lover
Unlike zoroark's illusion, however, nina moaned - a lot. in fact, i was afraid that the people next door would hear her.
Centaurus Chapter 23
The illusions were gone.
The Will of Kings - Chapter 4
His cum poured into the illusion, which spilt into me, warm and gooey...and too much. with the illusion still in place and his cock still filling me, his cum was forced deeper and deeper into my bowels. "come."
Desire e
Was that an illusion too? no... that was real. she also felt her heart beat in her clit as it slowly slid upward against the fabric though and that must be an illusion. it shoved past the top of her panties and kept going!
Making Do
illusions faded to nothing as the crystalline head of his staff lost its glow. no more phantoms. no more pleasure. his satisfaction, as real as it had been in the moment, was as much as an illusion as the bodies that had brought it.
Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 1 - A High Spirited Visit
The mightyena went charging after the illusion the moment that glass stopped dropping, growling and cursing all the way, out into the night. he smiled at his tails and kissed the illusion one.
Glitched Bottom
There was a moment when he could see the edge of his rubber-covered bulge still hidden under the illusion of his clothing, but no sooner had he clocked it than it disappeared, covered by the illusion of his cock hanging out and free.
Clans of the Masquerade Prt 3
The clan's signature discipline is known as chimerstry, which gives them the power to create mind bendingly powerful illusions for both offense and defensive purposes.
"go, my friend," cesrastra says, disappearing into her veil of illusion, "go and give her some more memories...."
November Challenge #3: Hacking the Travel BD
The maned wolf spread the shark's muscular ass cheeks and pushed in, feeling the ever-so-real illusion of a hot hole spreading before him. thrust. thrust. fade.