Alpha to Bitch | Complete Edition
The blood work told only the truth. the dog that did this, it seemed to him, did the same.
Dreamer's Paradise: Rebirth
He had calmed some during all the blood work and reaction tests not noticing the surprised looks on the nurses faces as he started some tests before he was asked taking his cues directly off the monitor screens or tablets they had.
Express Lane: Chapter 1 - Curing the Bunny Bag-Boy Blues
"oh that..." the wolf said, "well, back at my old office, if you'd believe it, my boss the bible-basher would make everyone submit blood work at least twice a month to detect if anyone had something that might effect productivity.
A Ride With Charon
What little was left of his conscience after his many years of bloody work managed to help resist the temptation to accept the hyperfox's plan for him, instead resolving himself to at least try to take the opportunity to flee.
The Secret to Being a Racing Champ
"oh, nothing major, it'll depend on your blood work," klineman said evasively as he tied the tourniquet around paul's lower bicep and tapped the inner crook of his elbow.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 60: Ira
Seed, juices and blood worked as lube over her ass, which he had already obliterated and claimed as his in the long hours of rough sex...
Murum Aries Attigit
It was bloody work, and close. the normal strengths of the legion, order, discipline, helped us but also hindered. we were not so used to such freewheeling fights as this.
A Carnal Beast
The entire thought-process had consumed barely thirty seconds, but it had been enough for the canine invaders at the western perimeter to finish their bloody work. the only human left standing there was the mysterious black-clad woman.
Owner Operator: a caregivers story
For the most part it was strictly routine, filing out forms, signing a contract for service, blood work, body cavity search, elector-shock therapy but only for amusements sake. oh, and a new 'diet'.
Shadow of Life and other dark dreams
Deces bites on of his own hands to draw blood from it, black tar lick blood the stinks of age and decay, he tears claude's shirt from his chest the begins to draw on his furry chest with his acidic blood working his memorial magic.
Double Vision (Mavology IV)
"so we did a few scans and some blood work- you're not having a heart attack, and your heart looks otherwise good... but i can't help but ask...have you been facing a lot of stress lately?" "yeah..." mav admitted.
Mahiri's Quest: Expansion I
It must be the venom in her blood, working like an aphrodisiac to make her warm and wet, to make her flex tight around the spider inside her. she hates to be accommodating, but at least it's not painful.