Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 25: Hot Chocolate
"i need advice to..." tom was still looking away. "chat someone up. i-i mean, to hit on someone." octo wasn't laughing, but he was close to doing so. tom was growing up. when tom turned to look at him, he chuckled a little, trying not to laugh.
First night of training
"when i learned about it i went to see mom because i needed advice, i mean i did not know neither as sucking a penis. who better than mother to teach me? the most desired bitch of the town." saba says looking to pair of boys playing around near.
So Still
i needed advice and neither of us know anything about proper cub care. oliver's majoring in it and luke looked after his younger siblings for years. they could be a big help to you." jiyeon tried to advise. "i'll be fine."
Sara's New Groove Ch1. New And Improved
"i need advice on how to get a girl's attention." he said in as casual a tone as he could. "you're joking, right?" she scoffed. "like a girl with a pulse would give you the time of day, dweeb."
Bruised and Battered
If i'm gonna get better at this, i need advice and some encouragement. that said, on with the story.....
So Sings the Choir
If i need ... advice," he repeated. "i am trying to be less detached. i am trying to emotionally-invest in those around me. and i am longing to form bonds of christian fellowship. and your faith, as i have observed, is very pure.
Worth Forgiveness
i needed advice. boris! no. not even the goose could get me out of this one. nothing to do but wander these dark alleyways searching for answers i knew i wouldn't find in the cold blackness. all i could find was snow.
Learning the Team Spirit (QCP: BJ-Eps02)
i need advice. what can i do?" lex said, "first let me say that i commended you on wanting to train yourself. however, with minos del malign constantly showing up to target overcat, there was no actual way you could train alone.
Good Enough Chapter 14
He swallowed thickly before saying, "i need advice." "girl troubles?"
i needed advice, and i needed it urgently. and in the end, there was only one person i felt i could talk to about these feelings i had... _"hey, kyla... can i talk to you for a few?"
The Golden Chronicles: Chapter 1: A Golden Start
But i always went to him when i needed advice or help. i trusted him with my bi secret and he was so mellow and cool about it. was i glad to see him? yes.
A White Christmas Knight
i needed advice, grabbing my coat i went out and took myself to sabre and rusty's place. "midnight, this is a bit early for you." sabre said as he answered the door with one of his pups in his arms. "i need some advice!"