The Tale of Thorns - Chapter 1

Ruufus shouted to the others, trying to push his voice above the constant rumbling sound which radiated from each of the magical portals. "pull in tight, and stay away from them!"

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 21

Show me this magical portal and you better be worth all this pungent stench of failure" "spyro said we can't leave our team behind iris! friends don't do things like that, right?"

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Tiamatus and Snowpearl: Ties of Love

In her own land, she had been working on a magical portal that would allow their people to travel from place to place with but a thought. however, while experimenting with the spell, something had gone wrong, and her spell had been disrupted.

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He walked out into the driveway, opened some sort of magical portal, walked through it, and the portal closed without a trace. just then, we heard kwy-saugi raeyu's voice behind us. "ah, so the doorbell did ring."

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Lifting a God's Curse.txt

Bacent sighed loudly as he plopped onto the grass "i can't believe this weird dream...statues coming to life, weird magic portals, and the fact i'm five feet away from the actual anubis.

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He punched the ground and seemed to sink into a magical portal, warping back to the future. ze shuddered as he swore he saw the silver daddy's ass wink at him and dribble a drop of his cum before he disappeared.

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Searching for Taco Supreme

If the magical portals are real, the horse knows that grug wasn't just making up a spaceship story to entertain the cub.

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A minotaur comedy - Chapter One

"i couldn't help but notice the fact that you fell in through a magical portal. are you from... another dimension i wonder?" humphrey looked about and noticed the rift was gone, much like his sanity.

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Chapter 2 - Rage

- you were brought forth here by a kind of magical portal that appeared in your laboratory when you did experiments, right?


Light Bane: Chapter 48

As the bracken woods recovered from the ultimately misguided attempt of a war, and after declaring to open their once isolated kingdom to the world, a magic portal was constructed outside the forest, through which travelers not flying on a dragon's back would

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A Small Boon

"you guys use a magic portal to a void of immediate death to get rid of your trash." "hey, it's just a portal to a death dimension and it's eco-friendly!" jak replied with sassy grin.

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