Dragonslayer Reparations: Jeyarr Mellik

marks of ownership maybe? no, couldn't be. if they were, they would make sure that mellik was returned to hir owner if another dragon found hir. hmm, so what could they possibly be then?

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Best Friends ~ Matthias and Chrystyl, Ch. 3

I'll put my mark of ownership around your neck, just like yours is on my finger. would you like that, my lovely little pet?" he looks lovingly up at her. "yes...mistress."

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 22: Fighting Your Instincts

Randall's last sensation before drifting off was of breathing in deeply, catching his own scent - a scent changed by his master's seed, his mark of ownership.

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Mousebait (Part 2)

He had been there first, and while she could clean the mark of ownership he had left on her, the stain on her pride would be longer to fade. "f-finished?" she managed to ask between shaky breaths.

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Never Deal With A Dragon

The hyena didn't need to be told what it meant: it was a mark of ownership pronouncing the hyena as part of the dragon's property, part of his hoard. "for trying to steal an egg, you will carry my brood for the rest of your days."

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The Mob's Price 4

She had been told that a slave didn't wear rings on their fingers, but rather on their toes, a lowly mark of ownership for the person that had taken them in.

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The Devil May Care 15

It was an invisible mark of ownership, something that distinguished normal people from those that would be spying on them, too.

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A New Rubber You

A notch in the latex flesh, almost like a mark of ownership. # beep, beep, beep. the white-furred fox looked up from the newspaper in his lap, smiling to himself.

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Edge Play - Chapter 2 - Initiations

He came to the academy as a virgin (that changed quickly), but until that moment he had been denied the sweet taste of the marks of ownership that he'd craved since he could remember.

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Fates of the Unicorns 15 - Harvest

Her collar was jeweled, unlike the mares which were simple steel with no decorations save the d-rings and their masters mark of ownership. curious, she said "go ahead, girl."

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The Breaking of Braknur

The orc was made to turn to the side, showing off the tattoos on his chest and ass, made to display the marks of ownership that the blue dragon had left on him. "this is mine, now," molokean said. "he has no more independence.

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Getting that Bread

A soft growl resonated in elda's chest when she dug her fingers into his love-handles, etching marks of ownership into his breading and sending lances of pleasure up his spine.

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