Carnal 001: Duellist

Well my first random short story with the intent of opening up your eyes to a different world. Any comments to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) and I am aware they're out of order, because there isn't one, stop trying to find the...

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Carnal 010: Canine

Well hello again my fellow connoisseurs of the furry arts, I come once again to present to you another fine example of my trade. What inspired this story? Well I am reading a book at the moment on how to write romantic stories for profit. Weird reading...

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Adolphus' tails 05: A quick transfer

Greetings and salutations oh furies who read internet stories. I managed to stumble across this random piece of text, decided to completely replace all of it and make it a new chapter of the Adolphus saga. It also had an email address that I also...

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Adolphus' tails 04: Intelligence from a new source

Hello again exceedingly patient followers of my various writings, I have finally managed to get around to finishing the forth part in the Adolphus saga. I can be reached at [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) in accordance with the...

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Carnal: Guardian

Do you have ANY idea how many iterations of this story I have gone through? Pending me locating another attempt at it, this would be my fifth attempt. Surprisingly, I wasn't having trouble with the sex, I was having the hardest of times setting up the...

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Carnal: Canine part 2

Ah, Carnal; Canine, one of my more philosophically interesting stories, at least in regards to the sex itself. However, the philosophies and ethical questions of bestiality aren't why it gets a sequel. Carnal; Canine made me create a character of such...

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Adolphus' tails 01: A warrior ends, a slave begins

Hello dear furs, it is I, Avanti Halfhorse, he who writes and stuff like that. As I have said numerous times before, Adolphus is getting a new lease on life, so to speak, in an attempt to try and clean up a few errors that were there before (Some...

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Adolphus' tails 02: Escape and capture

Hello again and yes, I am quite aware just how long this has taken me to write. After some time, I decided I had to rewrite what I had already written and surprisingly, it took me three or four months to write the bad copy on my notebook, but only a...

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Adolphus' tails 03: Plans are made

Yes yes yes, I am well aware how long you have had to wait. There's no excuse, but please do enjoy the next chapter. As per usual, please forward all 'hello's, 'goodbye's and 'get off my tail you clumsy horse's to...

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Carnal: Mother-lover

Ah, the strange, strange world of modern music. (Then again, you should read the mythologies of some cultures. Loki from Norse mythology is my favourite, but to be completely honest I am saving that weird story for another time.) From surgically...

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Adolphus' tails original collection

**Original Adolphus' Tails (As posted)** I decided I should post this as I decided that if I'm going to finish something, I might as well go through and finish what was my first story on this site. I honestly can't believe I used to use "Yiff"...

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