One Day at Temple

A complaint before you even got your first rating! i'll see it! i'll get to see it happen!" sam tried to keep his panic at bay. -- no, wait! what is the complaint even about? -- i don't know!

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Warm Hearts, Padded Playdates: Chapter 3

Though those weren't necessarily the only complaints the croconaw was making, as their mumbled whining was given a quick "shush" by the ampharos, who then gently gave some soothing and encouraging words.

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A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 10

"how mature of you" the gladiator yelled and started beating the cage walls, yelling complaints even louder. "we have a real treat for our first battle ladies and gentlemen! the great... the deadly... darkscale!"

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Tangled Instincts

No matter what, he wouldn't let that complaint take hold. -- i can't do that, protested wind. there's no time. i need the video to contest a complaint, and it'll be registered today!

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BlackGate Fanfiction - Vincent

First complaint is about a police officer named krane, saying he was looking through his window at midnight.

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Ranch Hands

Noise complaints coming in three times, we generally have to check to see what it's all about." "noise complaints?" the gryphon chuckled. "who the hell would be out here to complain?"

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Spontaneous Masculine Hyperfication

Two detectives respond to a complaint call, only to discover their lives are about to change forever...

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3 - Mutt's release

Barnes' property have any complaints against the defendant?" "the beneficiaries are also deceased. the property has been turned over to the city and is awaiting further claims." "does the city have any complaints against the defendant?"

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Tale 5-5 - Hungry for Glory 2

Her hunger meter had started giving her complaints. she was full, but starving. a few spells were cast from inside her stomach, improving her strength and speed, among other things.

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Eventful Beginnings 8

Pavlor licked his lips as his tummy gave a sudden and loud growling complaint to the room.

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