Tik Tik in the Desert 4 - The Headless Man

The action pokes her face against his large dangling balls, allowing her the opportunity to slip her tongue out to give him quick, exploratory licks. caput shudders, rubbing his palms over her horns with domination but with uncertainty as well.

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Kevin Foxboy 01

Health insurers loved it -- replacements became cheaper than tests, exploratory surgery and follow-up care. r2g2 hearts took the strain from natural ones, machines, artificial hearts, pacemakers.


A Wispa On the Winds.

The duo had ridden for days by this point, setting out at first on an exploratory and cartographic venture, wanting to get the lay of the land for themselves rather than rely on some silly map.

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Tik Tik's Death Coach 4

He then swirls over where her scales meet the harder substance, pressing against the softer body parts in an exploratory, but not too rough, fashion.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 87

Between the trees, spaced enough that an exploratory traveler could run full speed and not trip, more glowing globes could be seen here and there.

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Whispers in the Night

Whisper's in the Night © Cederwyn Whitefurr 26th January, 2024 All Rights Reserved. - Authors Note: This story came about from a friendly Telegram discussion about a fellow (gifted) Author discussion about one of his published works,...

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He Who Would be Master: Chapter 7(.5)

When it reached a glowing, exploratory tendril towards him, he reached back and laid a palm along it. it shivered then recoiled as if surprised. it was then sucked away, back into the gathering mass like a single pasta into a slurping mouth.

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Tina's Story-Chapter 4 Girl's Night In

After a while, kc ran an exploratory finger into coleen's vagina. pleased with both the feel, and lack of a negative response, she explored furthur. colleen was very wet, and receptive to the young cocker's touch... "kc? make me come....."

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5 (DSV Nautica) Into the Ruins Part 1

Aki stood before the exploratory subdivision of conclave. the elder faces peered at her, their holographic forms and thoughts merely a controlled hallucination to her."captain nee'ak'ee'oh. please report on your findings.""minimal and intriguing.

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Snapshots - Night Trap

Philip's hand rose, tracing an exploratory finger down her lithe, athletic curves, resting on her hip as she swayed against him. how had an average guy like him been so lucky, ending up with this goddess of the night?

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Tybalt vs Blair Garten Part 2

A few exploratory pecks and the two get a taste for their mouths. they pull apart, each participant looking to each other with narrowed eyes.

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Breaking Things Down

At the addition to alcohol the general pressing and exploratory movements turned into a bit more lively squirming from within.

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