Kichi's Karma Ch.1

But that loneliness did not last long as more pokemon came passing through the area, most of them i could not remember but i did see a few patrats and some pidoves the basic ones that i could remember, most just passing through admiring the sunset

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Sweet Apple

I figured y'all hadn't had a chance to go grocery shoppin' yet, so i brought ya some home-made pidove and dumplings." anna-may held out the tupperware container to terrance, who took it while still being held aloft by cletus.

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Chapter 13

It was some time later that she finally did let loose of the lion, she was sore--no where near as bad as she could have been considering, and she had finally gotten the letter written and ready to be taken to the pidove post.

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A Different Kind of Wet Dream

Walking toward the building evens sees some birds in the sky, "ha well would you look at that, a flock of pidove.

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Beyond The Spectrum: Chapter 3: My Great Dream(that any normal five year old wouldn't have)

There were pidove's everywhere in new york; my advice: always look up because you never know when you'll receive little white present on your head.

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Tribal Lore - Prologue

Mischievous i was, often throwing to hit pidoves, and earning the upraised hands of my sisters. scolded, i would rebel, to once again do it another day, but of cruelty i knew not at the time.

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Paradise of Coexistence Chapter 1

The next morning came with the sound of pidoves, sleepily she looked at her clock with what little light protruded from the yellow curtains. slowly she crawled out of her bed, and exited her apartment to find crysolia sweeping up the floor.

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Beyond The Spectrum: Chapter 4 Part 1: The day my dream vanished(only for a friendship to ascend higher)

Nbsp; at the moment of that statement, we were televising witnesses to the next plane crashing into the south tower and it wasn't pretty; the flares of red and fire rose up to the contrasting blue sky as many of the pidoves

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Journey of Discovery - Chapter 2

The others seemed cheered by the prospect, but marco seemed content to lean against me and relax, just enjoying the ambiance as the pidoves cooed in the branches outside and the sun shone brightly.

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Lost and Found

The old path, which was bright and sunny and had air filled with the delighted cheeps of stray pidgey and pidove was now overtaken by a path much darker and almost eerily silent and void of noise; definately not a place you wanted to be in.

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The Stone Guardian

._** **the stone guardian** a cool breeze blows by, the sound of pidoves calling out to each other. these are the sounds of the early morning the evens wakes up to.

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