Heat Of The Moment
Samson and samara were both capable in combat as well: sam with his overwhelming strength and tinge of fae power, samara wielding the wrath of nature, paired with an uncanny ability to pacify beasts.
Slimy Swimming
Both women said in unison, though with the miring slime, samara's query was an incoherent burble.
The Perfect Gift [Commission - TF, Puppets)
As samara explained, she pressed her paws pleadingly against the glass. randall hesitated for a moment, gazing at samara. he weighed his options; he didn't have many to choose from.
Nature's Bounty
samara audibly gasped as she saw its true length--what must've been at least a full twelve inches of engorged meat.
Blindside [Sketch]
She was samara, without a doubt the most versatile as well as potent of the alchemists within the city.
Yiffbusters 3
samara's legs are trembling as her pussy dribbles with her juices. how long can she hold out before.... samara: wwwrowwr!! narrator: she thrashes like a rag-doll, her cunt spraying the pillows like a squirt-gun.
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 22 - A Grave Encounter
samara seemed to like it though. the lynx chomped her half the second it hit the plate. i smiled at her and then ate my own half. although much slower. i didn't like tuna. i hate tuna... "samara."
Feline Affinity
"there's room enough for you here, samara." he pats a bit of empty space next to himself on the bed as he says this.
Day 27 Tape _ Ball
samara said, still obviously trying to keep from laughing. "of course. if this ghost is still here... if we can learn what makes it tick, then we can figure out how to have it wrap others up like that." samara raised her brows.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 99 - The War to End All Wars
And samara passed some of hers, too."
Behavioural Adjustment Bullying
By the time ofenna regained her balance and tried to find her, samara was already gone, the lioness instead bumped into a solid wall where she was sure she'd come from. "ack, hells. damn it samara!" she yelled.
[Kraskits - Timeline]
Uif attacks iae controlled samara (a iae/uif border planet), declaring it the rightful property of ilyich and its united peoples. - _1644bc_ - iae counter-attacks and attempts to reclaim samara, prompting uif to began annexation of iae and neutral territories