Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act IV, Part 7

... but they'll be able to stop anything short of heavy explosive artillery.

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Near Death and Dreaming

Warehouses of arms and ammunition, the vehicle, ammunition and arms factories, and a shipyard for building starships were all built on a raised concrete hill, made up the central part of the city, where bunkers with artillery were placed strategically to point


Kapitel 1 - Eisige Weiten - Zerstörung

Abgesehen von dem sich wiederholenden, beinahe rhythmischen geräusch der feuernden artillerie herrscht völlige ruhe in der feindlichen stellung. nichts scheint sich zu rühren. es ist fast so, als wären die piraten bei unserem angriff panisch geflohen.

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Love in the Reich: Chapter 2

The building had already been beaten down by either ally or german artillery or ally bombing raids. they knew they either had to turn around and head back or head straight into the town.

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Danang Heat

A soldier's instincts will let him sleep through artillery bombardment, but sneaking up on one is the surest way to wake him. "what do you think you're doing?"

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Europe After the Rain

The nightmares of war were so awful that i became lulled to sleep by the endless percussion of artillery fire and machine guns, in that clearing a mile from this forest hideout, amazed that anyone could fall asleep in the midst of such fighting.

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Wotan, Monster

Um sie lag die artillerie so zahlreich in position, wie man sie durch den schlamm schieben konnte und aus den reihen hoben sich vereinzelt köpfe, die furchtsam, stolz, trotzig, neidisch und öfter - teilnahmslos zu dem stählernen untier aufsahen.

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Soldiers of War pt. 1 State of Emergency

They were pictures of aerial shots of what looked like russia or chinese made tanks moving in a convoy, an airfield of mig fighter jets and hind helicopters, and artillery guns. "where did these photos come from?" he asked.

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Chapter 2

The ground around me absorbed shots that came within inches of me as i dove into a huge artillery crater, reloading my carbine. _where did i find the luck and courage in myself to do that?!

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Triumph and Tragedy (A battle ballad)

An artillery barrage brought false dawn to start our day. true sunrise made cannon halt and their troops to march our way.

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Zootopia: Dirty Hairy part 6

"worry about fritz's field artillery." the cheetah said as he could hear anderson's cruiser coming to a stop on the other side of the site... "five minutes? good head start."

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