For all it's worth

Probably some fucking little kids saw a zonked out bear and thought they'd tie him to a bar set, fuckers.

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Birthday Games

They nodded, changing back, leo, the tiger, was first up, a 3 piece spreader bar set up, so that the tiger was forced to stand still on all fours, all four legs spread, followed by 2 steel tail rings that were bound to the tiger's waist, pulling his tail up

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Crossing the Rubicon 5

There were tables heaped with goods, sure, but there were also tattoo artists who'd set up booths or tables, and there were makeshift bars set up around kegs. artists painted the nearly-nude bodies of humans.

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chapter seven

Instead of a traditional restaurant or bar setting, **character**** a **and** character **** b** are meeting at a culinary class to prepare some sweet treats to share with a bottle of champagne.


Birthday games

They nodded, changing back, leo, the tiger, was first up, a 3 piece spreader bar set up, so that the tiger was forced to stand still on all fours, all four legs spread, followed by 2 steel tail rings that were bound to the tiger's waist, pulling his tail up

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Spreading the Word

I saw the mini bar set into the rear middle seat, ran my hand over the door and opened it, lifting out an unmarked bottle of brown-gold liquid.

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Client Number Five

I smile, padding around the counter of the breakfast bar, setting the oven gloves to one side so that i can find the keys in my pocket. and there you stand, smiling and bubbly and radiant.

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Cyberland - 1

Alexa felt strangely at home in the modern basement of an antique bar setting. her mind swam with the affection she held for the human male, even though human and bestial relations were to be kept as friendships due to the breeding laws.

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Fun on the Cards

Far stronger, far louder in its deep, rampant humming than when torel had tested the pulse function earlier, the toy's motor activated on what could only have been its full power, no holds barred setting.

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The Big Break

Everyone picked up their stuff and brought it into the bar, setting up on the small stage that was provided.

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Life As A Star

My mate smiled as he looked over the small bar set up. he was an otter like me. his fur was a shade darker then me and he was slightly heavier then me. "you want anything?" he asked as he reached into the kitchen for a coke. "just a water."

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