Addiction - Chapter One: Breakdown

Who could blame him after forcing him on a road-side death march? he looked exhausted, his fur disordered and matted. i blinked, yawned, and lethargically arose. i'll admit i didn't look much better than he did.

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Sensory Blackout

It was almost like a death march, but sean didn't feel much of anything as he was given a body suit, and led to a long corridor with doors.

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A Beast Learns To Live - Chapter 5

"you look like death marching, kaveri. ehkä, you should head home and rest." "i'm fine," vilkas said. "moving feels better." seppo looked at him suspiciously. "well, alright." his expression lightened. "we're short today.

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Good girl Rewritten Pt. 2

_ she rapidly rolled onto her back, her limbs uncoordinated and clambering in panic as she tried to find purchase to scramble backwards and as far away from the sharply dressed death marching towards her, his tail swaying fluidly.

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Kobold Kissing Lessons: Finally

They were close enough when the sun wasn't high in the sky, but damn near a death march in the midday heat. from there, it was only a short trek to the oasis and the nearby mountain pass that led out of the desert. ennrion nodded.

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Anywhere But Here CH 1-3 [Human(m)xMultipleHyenas(f)]

march down the endless black strip \>you'd been doing so well on backpacking out of the midwest towards la \>and now this, frying in the middle of nowhere \>you've been trying to hitch a ride for hours but still nothing \>you pull out your cardboard sign

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Blue and Gray - Chapter 6: Ghosts on the Ohio

A friend's arm shredded and mangled by a minié ball at the battle of second manassas, his horrific screams for his mother as he bled to death. marching forward, forward as confederate artillery smashed through an entire column of men just feet away.

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Lost in a Book - Commission for WanderingWastelander

Without any more obstruction, charro began his death march into the village. ever since charro's appearance out of the forest, many of the townsfolk started their evacuation. carriages were bundled with valuables and wares.

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A Tale of Two Vixens Part 6 (Collaboration With Catsithx)

"i'm gonna go kill something to eat," he said, "this absolute death march has left me famished!" he turned around and sauntered into the woods, leaving trent alone with frost and a seething grudge.

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It was a death march, getting closer and closer to kato, who struggled, wide eyed in his chair as his mangled friend was brought to his lap, her nose pushed to his dick. "what a beaut."

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The Neo's Neo Escape a tale of the first neos

The death march stopped as the noose was placed around ki ki's neck and his. off to one side a officer of the federation read the charges.

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