Seeing Stripes: Top to Bottom - Curiosity

The horny feline finds a new way to relieve the boredom. surprise! surprise! another story incoming. i do apologize for the super long delay between posts but i've been in a creative funk for a while now and have hit several road blocks.

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Porcelain God 2 Rise of the Throne

He had searched for eons before finally finding a new way the people of the planet earth could worship him. much as it had been before they had alters dedicated to him (without their knowledge) in each and every home.

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Secret Enchantments

So anytime he's changed into a new form it just finds a new way to manifest." "and is that the only faerie magic he has?" things were starting to make sense to kickaha. "only thing i've seen him do magic-wise kupo." erakir shrugged.

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The World We Live In: Chapter 23

Jared's job was to find a new way to control the mechanical armor without the operator, something he dubbed 'robot'.

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Always Check The Packing Slip P4

"it merely finds a new way to spread its seeds..." \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* meanwhile a research lab sat in a field several miles away from the site of the affected zone, men and women in hazmat suits appeared

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The Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau, Game 4, Chapter 4

Will they discover secrets or just find a new way to get screwed? read and find out! thanks if you read this, and if you like it, remember that comments make me smile and keep me writing. have a nice night! enjoy!)

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Episode Twelve: To Deflower a Garden and a Bunny

She more than made up to him for any misgivings, however, he knew his mothers may find a new way to play with her the next time she came over... that was a bridge to cross later. to be continued to be continued

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Central New Year #3- The Hunt

"and it appears tufty will have to find a new way around this detour. one to alduin." he commented to simba. simba nodded. next corner, i almost ran straight into winslo.

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 10: The Scary Slave Next Door

"it'll be alright, i just need to find a new way to curb that eating problem of yours, something less physical, too many bad memories associated with something like that." "when's kana coming?" he added, once he was feeling a little better.

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A New Gym Regimen

"we have ourselves a new dragon to welcome to the fold, and since havok now has a body like mine he's going to need to find a new way to earn that lifetime membership to this club.

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