The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 9 - I Choose You, Gomamon!

The male plant creature smiled as he moved his vines with great precision. they were like hands for these pokemon type and they could usually control four or more vines with ease.

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Catching the King Off Guard 3 (Finale)

The other male planted his cock inside, surprised by how well the king could take it. but he knew better than to waste a chance like this by asking questions.

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Blood Rite

Leaning in, the boy planted a firm kiss to the dying male's lips. the two remained locked like that for seconds, but each one of those seconds was enough to fill the young mouse with a new wave of dire lust.

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Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 6 from Patreon

The two came in, and everyone watched as the big guy planted a kiss just below and to the left of smaller guy's snoot, above the lip. "be good." "i'm more concerned about the more pressing issue of this communal love concept."


The Deal

, the bear growled, pushing himself up from his seat, the wood of the floor creaking in protest as the massive male planted his feet.

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Desert Wind: 1.2

The two males planted their feet at a right angle, their heels touching. their left arms were raised, as if beckoning to someone. the right arm was slack to the elbow, with his forearm at an angle away from their hips.

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Wizards Fire

I asked as one the two men planted their feet and began to create a massive ball of red energy. but instead of throwing it at me all at once they sent thousands of small shards of it hurtling toward me. i dodged a little of it.

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Mutt Part 9

He was already pushing upward and soon had a quarter of his maleness planted firmly in my rectum. "it looks like you want it bad son..." he said as he held steady. "why don't you beg for it and show me how much you need it."

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An All-Natural Club Experience

"enough of that," she nearly growled as he flipped the male plant fox on his back. "time for the main event."

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Sea, Sand and Spirits

"enough of that," she nearly growled as he flipped the male plant fox on his back. "time for the main event."

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Mantra Brutes

Though the dragon nearly got to the charr's ass while he was jerking himself off soon he himself was planted down on his face as the other male planted his cock between his scaled cheeks.

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