Mirrored Lovers

Sometimes they'd watch a movie or grab some dinner afterward and it would be a nice end to a fun enough day. today was not _exactly_ like that. many eyes, all of them male, stared at them appraisingly, and not at their _faces_.

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Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 1

Nick slumped down in his seat, wondering when he would ever get the nice end of the stick. nick picked an outdoor cafe only a few blocks away from the precinct. with the weather being so agreeable, it seemed like a waste to sit indoors.

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Chapter 5 - Connection to Friends

"only time will tell if anything here will have a nice ending or not. i'm stuck in a war but i know there are those out there that can help me. those, that know of the mystic arts," smiled leo as he dozed off to sleep.

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The Tender Heart 3-Reunion

Here, we'll see a little resolution, bit of insight into jayden's past, and a nice ending that, well, may be a bit unexpected. i wrote the last portion of this to the song the awakening by michael allen harrison. that song is amazing!

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The Wandering Shadow: Chapter Eight

We'll go to nice. end of discussion."david frowned. "fine. we'll do it your way then. won't be nearly as much fun.""it's not meant to be."

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Not So Retired Any More VII

Watching a head disintegrate into pink mist was always a nice end to the day. _should really withdraw. hot and shitty here, and i have a date tonight._ a date with mr. gecko.

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Origin of the Species - Carl and Andy

Some nice tender mating later tonight would be a nice ending to a long day. carl wickered and shifted getting himself into a comfortable position. his cock throbbed in andy's hand, and his eyes went wide. they really had gone too long.

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Jackob's Life Chapter 2: School Day

To give this day a nice ending?"." yes. that sounds good to me.", jackob answered and nick simply replied with a:" nice.".

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There's A Leak in the Boiler Room

Although i love the nice ending, it just feels to me like an adult paul zindel story. you'll notice that the title and much of the inane babbling of the characters stems from the song "god's away on business," by tom waits.

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Simba's Training Day 3: Mating

I decided to give my dad a nice ending to the night as i hadn't tasted too much of him that night. i began shoving in as much of him as i could into my maw and spitting all over him. "oh my simba!"

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The Minuet of the Medicae Corps (TDS Side #8)

"i came here to get away from what being nice ended up giving me... but it's no way to live." there was a long pause between them. this was clearly not what she had expected being dragged into the hall.

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The Merit Badge I Never Earned

I had agreed, not only because would it get me a new badge, it would also be a nice end to a very hot and trying day.

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