Monsters in Lust: Part Four

The wolf's tongue lolled from his muzzle, eggs plopping rapidly from the moaning spider as she rocked and bucked against him, her sense of self lost in the moment while she had him to hold her.

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Making Do

It was only through careful training and practice that he maintained enough sense of self to sustain his projections. but then it ended. then the pleasure faded. the orgasm ran out. the muzzle teasing his spent shaft vanished.

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Bee Stories 1

I responded, gripping the precious cargo with a renewed sense of self-preservation. "because my friends and i come here to discuss trade with your people, and i would very much love to study the ways of your kind, and they seem most intimate."

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Breaking the Bull

All sense of self seemed to wash away as toro was left with a burning purpose, a strong groan escaping him as the bat came slamming down a final time, a mix of guts and candy spraying all over the room.

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A herm's release.

With a feral whine, her cum hit her like a freight train, drowning out all sense of self or thought, only onto the throbbing organs that she had been servicing. her cock bounced and jerked as she pulled her hand away to grasp at the wall.

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A very shiny Thanksgiving

He understood, the silver engrained a sense of self preservation in it's hosts to be able to hide in social gatherings, at least enough to spread itself to enough people to gain the upper hand...

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Alien Hive

As i slid back into the sense of self alone - with hands touching my spine, she had told me who had harmed what was mine. and in the darkness, i held a crooked grin, even as my crest began to ache.

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Bee Stories 5

Secondly, i knew the bee had no sense of self-preservation even as i choked her with my slime tendril. her thoughts as a conscious song were that she was happy.

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Growing Breasts, Heightened Arousal

There were no batteries, not when the charge of magic was already well enough set into it, grunting deep in the back of her throat, losing her sense of self and reality as she languished in the fantasy of it all.

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