The Chronicles of Rogue: Chapter Three

My eyes were the color of frost with small sparks of gold, and they appeared as if, instead of natural, trapped in suspended animation as the freezing touch of winter arrived all too suddenly and froze them where they stood.

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Open Space

Still others transported colonists held in stasis or suspended animation. that is a science i don't completely understand or condone. a living breathing being was not meant to be frozen and shipped wherever, like a slab of meat.

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Arguments (Book7, Chapter2)

Perhaps vince was never put into suspended animation. perhaps he managed to sneak his brother out of that complex and had him sent somewhere considered safe. remember rufus? the werewolf?

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Walls: Reboot 5 - The Lockbox

"either go on living in the facility until we were fully mature or get placed in suspended animation. a few considered the latter, but... our lives weren't exactly bad.

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Unwelcome Guests (A1, B11, C9)

"he's in suspended animation." "ah. do they have any other friends in suspended animation?" vincent nodded. "nearly every one of those cryogenic pods contain one of their friends from the first attempt on this city, almost twenty-six years ago."

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Hell on Earth. Chapter 13

You had to leave the mortal plane - dying, really, though hell sold it as a kind of sci-fi suspended animation thing. you wouldn't age as long as you held a contract. you could, technically, live forever, just without the living bit.

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The Caligo (part one)

He lunged forward, evaporating into the cave's shadows and reappearing inside the massive, domed room where the caligo had been sealed, flash-frozen into suspended animation.

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Kept in Suspense

Unfortunately none of them seem keen on being in suspended animation for anywhere close to a year. who would've thought?

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(Insert Fancy Letters Here)

"we need to go back to the room we found her, her berovo-stasis chamber will tell us how long she's been in suspended animation for." "how long have you known this for mate?"

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Pathogenesis: Anatomy of a Plague

It can even keep them in a sort of suspended animation until a suitable host is found. which, if my theory is correct, is just about any mammal." lev said grimly. "any mammal?"

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The Voyages of the Rebellious Bastion, Chapter II

They're portable suspended-animation containers for transporting prisoners, slaves and the like. my sensor readings indicate that they're occupied, and whoever's in them are alive."

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 03

Zolton's projection said as the real zolton was in his holding chamber that kept him in suspended animation. "i have a few idea on how to find this new monster," brian started to say but he was suddenly silenced as the alarm began to go off.

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