Collared Part 2

This is the second of a three part series. while reading part 1 would significantly improve the understanding of characters/motivations it is not strictly necessary. collared part 2 the husky's stomach growled loudly.

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The Beast Within 2

Here is the second part to the three part series, once again. i took the time after i fixed the third entry to go back and adjust some things in both the first part and this entry to bring them up to code.

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The Arrangement (Part 3)

The final part of the three part series while pyro and zora are busy, cinder soon gets involved with bruno in a sexual manner.

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Tales From Anthracite City 3: Welcome to Anthracite City part 1

This three-part series was originally written as one of several attempted introductions to the setting, having been edited slightly to established a proper timeline for this universe. or something. regardless, enjoy some more human versus anthro action.

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Shifting Realities: A Hyper World (erotic eBook teaser)

**Shifting Realities** ** ** **A Hyper World** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **Part One** ** ** The goat yawned, closing the door to his bedroom behind him and rolling his shoulders back. It had been a long...

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Pokédex Diaries part 1: Arbok

So this is the first in a three part series of a type of smut shot that i have titled the pokédex diaries. it is the story of a trainer and his sexual escapades with his three sensual snakes.

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I thought about putting this one into my historical folder, but it then mutated into something longer, so i've now written it as a quick three part series.

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Acting Civilized

Second part of a three part series featuring two of his characters. also i feel the need to put a warning up front. this isn't a happy story.

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Part II - Main Course

#2 of dinner date the second part of a three part series. insert witty claimer here about sexual content between two male wolves, and how its illegal to read if your underage. grylor is copyright himself, and two skins is copyright eldyran.

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Happy Endings

This is the second of a three part series. the first part is "on stage" and can be found both here and on fa

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Weekend At Michael’s Place. (Bunny Tales. 3.) Part 3 Sunday.

I did plan to do a three part series after that one certain part, but had increasing problems coming up with material towards the end. weekend at michael's place. (bunny tales. 3.) part 3 sunday. morning sun found my eyes, as johnny never moved.

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Hello, Mister!

#1 of allen and penny series the first of a three-part series a single male mouse adopts a vixen pup as his daughter and tries his best to be a good father to her once he learns about her past life.

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